Project Bomberbike

    I wonder how the final drive will hold up....:cautious:
  2. Robm422

    Blown away by a sportbike in the twisties...

    So, I know this is a cruiser, but it's also much, much more, so I guess my expectations are very high for its handling. Well today, while on my usual ride through the canyons, a sportbike appeared in my rear view mirror, seemingly out of nowhere. So, I signaled for him to go by me, but then...
  3. flyreels

    Robot riding a bike

    Love the trading wheels, I wonder how far they will take it and what safety feature they will dream up Meet Motobot: Yamaha's Motocycle-Riding Robot
  4. R3inCC

    Surprised a sport bike rider

    So I've owned my '05 now for one year, I have enjoyed the power on the back roads alone although I have never really toyed with any other riders until yesterday. I was riding to work minding my own business cruising at about 80 mph when I see a sport bike coming up behind me in my mirror. He...
  5. Boog

    Colonial Beach Bike Fest 2015

    Alibi up front: I am not comparing any of these machines to the Rocket! I went to the Colonial Beach Bike Festival on Saturday Oct 10 and test rode six Harleys. Why? Because variety is the spice of life and I knew Brahma would not get jealous if I rode a few other bikes. First ride is the Soft...
  6. scot in exile

    Stripped the Bike

    Now that I have my 2011 roadster it was finally time to strip my old faithfull bike before I sell it, I took everything off except the handlebar risers and the triple K&Ns to much trouble better just leaving them. Time to part with a bunch of stuff a wee list more might follow Maddog exhaust...
  7. scot in exile

    Bike Arrived

    The 2011 Roadster I bought on eBay arrived last Friday, as a lot of you know I am one of the original Rocket owners still have my Red 2005(but will be selling it) few observations Triumph tried to save a few bucks with the Roadster the brake and clutch levers are of cheaper quality the rear...
  8. jaredmt

    Jump started bike; have no headlights

    Had to jumpstart the bike ... wouldn't quite turn over. It's a 2014 with only 3k miles so I was surprised by that, but still. Hook up my charger/jumper for a few, start it up and off I go. Sun goes down and I notice ... I have no headlights. Running lights, signals, etc are ok. Hi/low beam...
  9. How tough is the driveline on these bikes?

    Considering the Rocket gets a lot of mods, like the Carpenter stage 1 and 2 kits, blowers, etc., how does the driveline hold up on this bike? Coming from an M109R, which had a weak driveline, the question popped into my head. There were guys that actually snapped the drive shaft on 109s from...
  10. Wrecka

    anyone know this bike ?

    TRIUMPH ROCKER CRUISER STREET ROD DRAG BIKE FINANCE 240 BHP. | Motorcycles | Gumtree Australia Gold Coast North - Helensvale | 1089541992
  11. Fingers

    Anyone coming to Biketoberfest that can do a tune?

    I have a'13_ R3T would at least like to get Power-Tripps de -resting tune ,have TORS and hopefully my Ram-Air filter on by then. I have a Lonelec cable.
  12. jcb7469

    interesting thought about new sport bikes

    So we were bsing about motorcycles at work and a buddy made this statement. All these new ****** rockets are just cheaper versions of gp bikes. Yet the way they make em cheaper is to take off all the stuff that makes them handle better yet they are almost identical in power and speed. Which he...
  13. Steel

    Finally got to pick up my bike

    Made it to Carpenter Racing. Got to meet Bob Carpenter. Great guy, really friendly. And a special thanks to @TriumphPhil for the ride from the airport to the shop. So far I've gone 216 miles to Front Royal, VA. In the morning I'll be riding Skyline Dr, and the Blue Ridge Parkway.
  14. late2ride

    Help me decide on my next bike

    I'm trying to decide what to replace my vtx1800 with. I'm shipping it down to Fla for vacations and need a replacement. Want to get big bike with flat out speed. Looked at Vmax but it's really a 1 person bike with little options for storage. Test drove Rocket dresser and love it. Read that...
  15. Robm422

    Adventure bikes

    Man, I always thought adventure bikes were lame. If you want a street bike, just get a street bike. If you want a dirt bike just get one, they're way better at it. But, I started watching youtube videos about guys going on rides to alaska and other cool and rugged destinations, and it seems like...
  16. Busaboy

    Oil drain plug diagram in owners manual do not match bike

    Title kind of says it all. 2005 Roadster base unit. The plugs are on the bottom of the "pan" not on side like manual shows.
  17. hvacnr

    Fast Idle and low idle bike can't make up it's mind

    My bike started idling low and dying. For about 8 miles it ran fine I gassed up and that when the bike stopped idling. I thought I had gotten bad gas but it ran fine down the road. I decided to ride the gas out on the express way. 150 miles later i stoped for more fuel the bike still would not...

    BEWARE...Posting Smartphone Photos of Bikes

    You may be aware already ?. but for those---(like me) who didn't know..:unsure: Basically, if you use a smartphone, the picture will have GPS location data embedded, the time you took the photo and the type of smartphone used!!! :eek: Right click the bike's photo, copy the URL onto the...
  19. Wrecka

    Gold Coast Bike Show

    This weekend, i'll be there having a look as it's only 10 mins from my place
  20. Gregger

    Ever Float Your Bike???

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDi9uFcD7XI This guy is insane...... Kinda cool though...... but still insane!