
  1. Mark your calendar. Blue Ridge British Bike Rally

    The 1st Annual Blue Ridge British Bike Rally (BRBBR) - Jack-Be-Quick
  2. Tiger 800Xcx Takes on Mountain Bike

    Watch: Tiger 800XCx takes on mountain bike
  3. Sport Bike Rider Clips

  4. Drag Bike (Has Anyone??)

    I went to some M.C. drags this past weekend. Was asked a number of times if I was going to have a go. I was wondering what kind of numbers would be expected on a 1/8 mile? Also has anyone built a drag bike. I would imagine it has been done, but I have not heard of anyone doing it. sds
  5. Thunder bike oversized or Burlieghbars 2"

    Who has either. What was the fitting like and if you have pictures that would help. Thanks
  6. want to buy t bars

    are there some one who have thunder bike over the oversized t-bars for sale
  7. Bike sometimes starts

    I'm wondering where the starting relay is on an 09 rocket III, Standard is? Today I want to start my bike and when I pushed the starter... nothing. She did not turn over. No click. nothing changed at all. I turned the key off and on. I heard all the normal sounds. Fuel pump everything. I pulled...
  8. Looking at a Rocket Touring Bike

    Newbie here. Looking at a 2014 left over touring red & black for $14,000.00. Not sure if this is a good price for a Triumph or not. My FLH is about done and I am loosing interest in Harley Davidson at the moment. A friend of mine has a Rocket and he loves it. He has a had a few Harley's and...
  9. Back Up Bike-Ducati Diavel

    Well my Clutch is kaput on my R3 and when it was not that is was something else....Long to short she has sat on the Paddock stand more often than not as I am not uber handy with spanners and this was the first bike I bought used with 18K miles. So I am sitting here having ridden maybe 1000...
  10. Back on a bike after a Hiatus

    Just returned to riding after a 10 year break. Bought a 2014 roadster a week ago. Loving it. Al
  11. For Sale 500kg bike lift

    For sale 500kg bike lift used but in great shape $300 pickup only Beenleigh Qld Australia
  12. West Dennis Beach Bike Blessing

    Are there any Rocket Pilots near Cape Cod, MA that are going to the Bike Blessing tomorrow at West Dennis beach? Gates open around 9:30 and the blessing will probably be around 11:00. I will be attending and thought I would reach out and maybe meet before and ride down together. I am in Sandwich...
  13. My new bike

    I found a good deal on a 2012 Thunderbird Storm and was able to pick it up this week. Had a 2005 rocket 3 before and really liked it but a deer ruined that for me. My wife gave me a pass to just go pick up a new rocket but I did not feel it would be the best financial decision. Here is my new...
  14. Thunder bike bars or Rivco risers??

    I'm having a few problems with aching wrists on longish rides. I have the R3R and was wondering whether this is to do with the angle of the stock bars or just not enough pull back to sit in a more natural position. I've seen a lot have gone for the rivcos to sort similar problems and some the...
  15. Do I need two of these to be confidant? Jack Scissor Lift Bike Lifter

    Do I need two of these to be confidant? Jack Scissor Lift Bike Lifter : Motorcycle Jack Scissor Lift Bike Lifter Stand Hoist Quad Motorbike Received offer for one AUD 100.00 (US$75) delivered. Link Removed Mechanically Operated Motorcycle Scissor lift 500KG Capacity A necessity for any...
  16. bike dolly

    I do not knnow about most of you but backinng out of my garage is nearly inpossible due to slope so I looked a all possibilities in the end a bike dolly made the most sense buying one is also near impossible with a rear tire of 240 dimension and some are rather flimsy looking so I made...
  17. Hello from New Zealand - 2004 Rocket III - Project Bike

    Hi all, I am new to the forum and looking for some guidance (via searching forums first of course) on doing a full custom of my 2004 Rocket III I bought from my father in law. It only has 7,000 kilometers on it so pretty fresh engine but the body and paint is a bit tatty after being left...
  18. Roadster didn't start & check engine light

    Not sure if anyone has heard of this problem based on these "hints" (I'm not mechanically inclined): 2012 Rocket Roaster with Carpenter Brute exhaust, Power Commander, air box delete, triple K&N filters, 37,000km I put in about 600km since I got her this winter. Has been running like a charm...
  19. progressive bike show

    This weekend is the show and I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to vote on my favorite custom? tks
  20. They are nice bikes just a bit small.

    They hired a new guy at work. Mr Harley Davidson himself. He has all the tattoos neat looking sunglasses and of course the Harley Davidson t-shirt. He even had genuine Harley Davidson boots on. Of course the supervisor who we get along with real well hooked him up with me to show him around and...