Hi all,
Recently joined the forum. From Darwin, Northern Territory Australia.
Have a Rocket X. Ramair and TORS currently being shipped to Darwin to be installed for "the dry".
Update - installed last night, yeah.
Triumph Rocket 3 Corbin | Motorcycles | Gumtree Australia Bunbury Area - Bunbury | 1147567581
Seller's description
Triumph Rocket III Roadster
Corbin Rumble seat for Triumph Rocket 3. Cool solo look with pop up backrest when you'd like to take a pillion. Exc Cond. These cost...
Very new to all this social media stuff so has taken me a while to get my head around. Am hoping to recieve some good advice and help regarding my R111. Have not yet worked out how to upload a photo.Will keep working on that. Cheers for now, Oscar.
Hi everyone, thanks for accepting me to this site. I am an Iraqi Veteran that rides a Rocket 3 Tourer (08) with a 119k's on it and a member of the VVMC/VMC Australia. I tow a camper trailer behind the rocket and I'm also a darksider with a car tyre on the back. I now get 45k out of a tyre now...
I hope all the Aussies and their Families here are having a great Australia Day,We always just stay at home and all(most) of the Family come around and we drink beer, tell lies and have a Barbque ,same this
year, we leave the big celebrations to the folk who like crowds and sprinkling of the...
Just upgraded to a 2006 rocket from a 2008 America and glad i have...
my rocket was purchased over the net sight unseen so was a surprise when it arrived in my driveway since i had only sat on a rocket before and after looking it over found that it had a power commander V and a kn air ram as...
Iv'e been on the Forum for a while now but never got around to introducing myself, so hello to all.I bought my 08 rocket about 6 months ago and am really enjoying it. It's basically stock except for TORs and Cat delete, Tune ECU: (20050DynoFinalMap_TOR_CatBypass_Decel).( Is this tune OK?). I am...
Hi all,
Im from Sydney Australia...
Just purchased my Rocket III Roadster 2 weeks ago... This is my first Triumph and Im loving it!
Have owned & still own vintage Harleys for more than 25 years.
I joined the forum to learn more about the Rocket - mods, issues, etc...
I hope that I can play an...
Hi from Chidlow, Perth, Western Australia.
New owner of a 2013 Rocket Roadster. Waiting to pick it up next week.
Heard about the bike from a friend selling a 2006 and thought I would look for a newer model. Test rode what I would call a luxury tractor and absolutely loved the scale and feel of...
Thanks for letting me join the community, it looks like a really helpful group on here.
Just got my hands on an ex-demo 2014 roadster while I was down in Perth a couple of days ago, so I thought I'd check in.
She's back in the dealership getting some extras fitted at the moment, but I managed...
Hi Guys / Girls,
I have already introduced myself earlier today but on an old thread, so I'll do it right this time & start a new thread instead.
My current ride is a black 2004 Rocket 3 which I bought some 6 weeks ago & is so far my only Triumph to date. It has 18,000 km (approx. 11,000...