
  1. Ishrub

    For Sale Not sold yet - Good price for Australia - bike lift

    AUD$399 (US$300) Pickup Sydney/Melbourne NEW ARMORBILT HYDRAULIC MOTORCYCLE LIFTER Motorbike Lift Stand Table Jack Hoist
  2. RocketXDitto

    New member from Darwin NT, Australia

    Hi all, Recently joined the forum. From Darwin, Northern Territory Australia. Have a Rocket X. Ramair and TORS currently being shipped to Darwin to be installed for "the dry". Update - installed last night, yeah.
  3. Ishrub

    Corbin Rumble seat in Bunbury Western Australia on Gumtree

    Triumph Rocket 3 Corbin | Motorcycles | Gumtree Australia Bunbury Area - Bunbury | 1147567581 Seller's description Triumph Rocket III Roadster Corbin Rumble seat for Triumph Rocket 3. Cool solo look with pop up backrest when you'd like to take a pillion. Exc Cond. These cost...
  4. GaryA

    Hello from Melbourne, Australia

    Gday, not a R3 owner yet, I ride every day on my '03 Speed Triple. I have started lurking here as I have my hearts set on a R3, some time soonish.
  5. Oscar

    Hi all from South Australia.

    Very new to all this social media stuff so has taken me a while to get my head around. Am hoping to recieve some good advice and help regarding my R111. Have not yet worked out how to upload a photo.Will keep working on that. Cheers for now, Oscar.
  6. Muff

    Hello from Central Queensland, Australia.

    Hi everyone, thanks for accepting me to this site. I am an Iraqi Veteran that rides a Rocket 3 Tourer (08) with a 119k's on it and a member of the VVMC/VMC Australia. I tow a camper trailer behind the rocket and I'm also a darksider with a car tyre on the back. I now get 45k out of a tyre now...
  7. motolink

    Are Roadster Lifting Brackets available in Australia

    Any Australian members know if the Roadster lifting brackets are made and for sale anywhere in Australia.
  8. Wrecka

    Soaring Temps in East Coast Australia

    This is how you fix it.......
  9. cusso ken

    Australia Day 26 January

    I hope all the Aussies and their Families here are having a great Australia Day,We always just stay at home and all(most) of the Family come around and we drink beer, tell lies and have a Barbque ,same this year, we leave the big celebrations to the folk who like crowds and sprinkling of the...
  10. yearocket

    Hi from country victoria Australia

    Hi Just upgraded to a 2006 rocket from a 2008 America and glad i have... my rocket was purchased over the net sight unseen so was a surprise when it arrived in my driveway since i had only sat on a rocket before and after looking it over found that it had a power commander V and a kn air ram as...
  11. R357

    Hot n Humid in Queensland Australia

    Iv'e been on the Forum for a while now but never got around to introducing myself, so hello to all.I bought my 08 rocket about 6 months ago and am really enjoying it. It's basically stock except for TORs and Cat delete, Tune ECU: (20050DynoFinalMap_TOR_CatBypass_Decel).( Is this tune OK?). I am...
  12. R3 mufflers for Australia vs. other countries

    What is the difference between a 2007 (and other years) Rocket III left muffler for Australia T2208420 and for all other countries T2208620?
  13. Rocketman1969

    G'day From Australia

    Hi all, Im from Sydney Australia... Just purchased my Rocket III Roadster 2 weeks ago... This is my first Triumph and Im loving it! Have owned & still own vintage Harleys for more than 25 years. I joined the forum to learn more about the Rocket - mods, issues, etc... I hope that I can play an...
  14. Sportsman

    Hello from Northern New South Wales Australia

    I have a 2008 Rocket Classic and have just became aware of this site. Looks like a wealth of information and knowledge of all things Rocket.
  15. garym

    Hi from Newcastle NSW Australia

    My ride is a 2007 rocket 3 roadstar, big step up from the America
  16. MacGyver

    Introduction to R3 owners

    Hi from Chidlow, Perth, Western Australia. New owner of a 2013 Rocket Roadster. Waiting to pick it up next week. Heard about the bike from a friend selling a 2006 and thought I would look for a newer model. Test rode what I would call a luxury tractor and absolutely loved the scale and feel of...
  17. Stepnerd

    G'day from outback Western Australia

    Thanks for letting me join the community, it looks like a really helpful group on here. Just got my hands on an ex-demo 2014 roadster while I was down in Perth a couple of days ago, so I thought I'd check in. She's back in the dealership getting some extras fitted at the moment, but I managed...
  18. Mouldy


    Hi Guys / Girls, I have already introduced myself earlier today but on an old thread, so I'll do it right this time & start a new thread instead. My current ride is a black 2004 Rocket 3 which I bought some 6 weeks ago & is so far my only Triumph to date. It has 18,000 km (approx. 11,000...