
  1. Custom blue marshmallow seat

    Custom blue marshmallow seat

    Custom blue marshmallow road sofa seat for my Touring.
  2. ksquared

    Does Anyone Have Any Experience With These Aftermarket Tire Pressure Monitors?

    I have been interested in getting one of these new Tire Pressure Monitors. TIREGARD™ TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM - 2-WHEEL from Big Bike Parts I saw a brief article about them in Rider a couple of months ago, but haven't been able to find anyone who has used one. Seems like a terrific...
  3. Clutch cable aftermarket

    I have just received my 2" over clutch from Barnett. As I have not yet received my workshop manual out here in Oz, I want to exercise a little caution. Can I assume it's a standard remove ? ie, loosen cable at lever, remove clutch lever and unseat cable, then use bottlenose pliers to slip out...
  4. Aftermarket Exhaust for R3T

    Looks like D&D offers a set for the touring. Link Removed
  5. RatBoy

    Corbin Beetles w/ Aftermarket Exhaust

    Sorry Folks, but I searched and searched and couldn't find my answer... Did we decide that Corbin beetles work with aftermarket exhausts? TORS - Yes D&D - ? Jardines - ? Staintune - ? MadDogs - ? I've gone Jardines and I seem to recall seeing post that someone with Jardines has beetles...
  6. Looking for aftermarket seat

    I'm looking for an aftermarket solo seat that will afford me a bit more legroom on my Rocket than the stocker. It's hard to tell from pictures, but it seems that the Metcruze and Corbins may allow you to sit a bit further back. Anybody have any firsthand experiences they can share? Thanks.
  7. aftermarket pipes

    Can anyone give recommendations for the best aftermarket pipes that hopefully don't cost a fortune. Some seem to be pretty steep and I was doing good to be able to afford such a sweet machine in the first place. The stock pipes on my 2006 Classic are rather tame sounding and I wouldn't mind a...
  8. Rocket III OEM Parts, Aftermarket Parts and General Accessories

    OEM Parts Bike Bandit Link Removed Aftermarket Accessories for Rocket III Seats & Seat Cushions Corbin http// Metcruze http// Utopia Backrest http// Russell Custom Seats http// Airhawk Cushion Link...
  9. Exhaust Popping with aftermarket mufflers..

    When we were out riding the other day with Pig9r and his 2006 Rocket he pointed someting out. He has the cat by pass and Mad Doggies and yet his bike wasn't popping out the exhaust like the 2005's do. No Power Commander or Tune Boy. Has anyone else with a 2006 and an aftermarket exhaust...