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  1. windshield bags

    wiindshield bags Howard can you give me the web site for this bag?and thanks for the response.
  2. windshield bags

    Hello fellow R3 owners, my question to all of you folks is do you know of any companies that make windshield bags for the triumph windshield? I don't want saddlebags just want something small to carry a few essentials. Also don't want a tank bag,tassles or conchos. Sorry to sound so fussy but...
  3. Wiring

    I also ran my gps to the battery and purchased a nice mount that locks from
  4. cruise control

    :confused: Hello Anybody out there no of a good cruise control that can be added to my rocket for the long trips that I take?
  5. moharet

    If anyone has an answer about the gas gauge and also about the oil temp gauge I would appreciate some feedback. Thanks Moharet
  6. moharet

    Hello fellow R3owners, I used to own a triumph America until my recent purchase of a 06 cardinal red R3. My first day of riding it I could not even get out of the gas station because so many people coming up to it and asking so many questions about it. When I finally got on the road the power...