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  1. Hard downshifting into 1st

    Warp9.9, I have the 2-3MM of clutch play at the lever before I start to feel noticeable tension on the clutch lever, but the lifter shaft arm moves with 2-3mm of clutch play. Should the lifter shaft arm not move at all? THX Wile E
  2. Hard downshifting into 1st

    Are there other adjustments to look at in addition to the cable adjustment collar on the clutch lever? I just spent around two hours riding, stopping, making quarter turn adjustments. No luck on that end.
  3. Hard downshifting into 1st

    I have an 06 Rocket that is getting progressively harder to downshift into first. If your going any faster than 15-20 MPH the gears do not want to mesh, it just grinds. When I get to around 10 MPH it wil slip into first. Any ideas out there as to what I'm dealing with? All other gears are fine...
  4. progressive front springs ?

    Skidmark, I can't comment on just replacing the fork springs, but I did have 418's and fork springs replaced about a week ago. Man what a difference! The chicken strips on my rear tire are gone. Turning is much more neutral; the "felt" ammount of counter steering seems to be cut in half. I...
  5. Lockable leather saddlebags

    I found some cool leather lockable bags on the net last night. Check out this url: This site is for Edge Leather, I found the site while looking around on the Ghost Bracket site. It looks like the folks at Ghost Bracket are branching out and going...