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  1. Rolls-Hog


    I just installed DEcosse’s keyless system. The unit is beautifully constructed. The instructions pdf is easy to follow and should answer any questions. Just plug it in, tie it all up and it functions perfectly. Installation takes less than hour. Rolls
  2. Rolls-Hog

    Clutch Cable Length Pictures...Rivco

    The cables showed up fast! They look to be exactly what I wanted.
  3. Rolls-Hog

    Clutch Cable Length Pictures...Rivco

    I just ordered clutch and throttle cables from Barnett over the phone. Just tell the salesman 1,2,whatever” over stock and she says, “It’ll ship in four days.”
  4. Rolls-Hog

    knocking /slapping noise ..revisited / SOLVED...

    Thanks Claviger! I was sitting here hoping you’d make it all better. Little trip to Arkansas happening next week. Cheers, Rolls
  5. Rolls-Hog

    knocking /slapping noise ..revisited / SOLVED...

    I’ve noticed the knocking on hills when I hit the hill and don’t change the throttle. A throttle increase (higher rpm) and the knocking stops. I downloaded the Touring Tune by Nels and always run premium fuel. I also installed the Ramair filter last winter and at first I thought it might be just...
  6. Rolls-Hog

    Starting to have some hip pain issues

    I feel your pain. I’m 59 and for years my right hip could barely take five hours sitting in a car. I started riding my bicycle and my hip flexibility has really improved. Pain’s gone and I can mount my motorcycle without leaning to get my leg over. It’s tough getting started, but worth it. I...
  7. Rolls-Hog

    The real problem with the starter relay - starter mod issue

    Thanks, I’m on it! I always wonder if, just because my bright idea seems to work, it may not be such a bright idea.
  8. Rolls-Hog

    The real problem with the starter relay - starter mod issue

    Fun read. Hey DEcosse, when I doubled my ground cable to the engine block and installed the Eastern Beaver kit (plus a larger starter) to solve my cold starting issue, I found that too many wires were piling up on the ground post of the battery. Using my giant brain, I found a convenient bolt on...
  9. Rolls-Hog

    Touring Trunk

    It does look topheavy.
  10. Rolls-Hog

    Touring Trunk

    Petunia wanted a seat backrest, so now I have a seat backrest. This is a KTP Extra Large King Tour Pack from Nasty Hog Motorcycle Parts Co ($499) mounted on a Wompus rack. The quality of the trunk is good enough for the price and feels solid on the rack. It’s unlined and I’ll add seal stripping...
  11. Rolls-Hog

    Hello all, from new R3T owner in UK.

    Welcome! If you’re like me, you’ll start out with the most responsible of intentions. But, eventually you crank open the throttle a little, you know, just to see what all the fuss is about. Then you discover second gear. Now every time I pull out I instinctively look hard in the mirror to see if...
  12. Rolls-Hog

    Inexpensive Starter Replacement

    “Watch so that you do not lose spring and ball.” Missed that part and had to initiate the “upset recovery” procedure (as usual). I also doubled the negative cable and installed the Eastern Beaver relay kit. That starter’s a beast. Now she starts like a champ! Do this cheap easy mod, you will...
  13. Rolls-Hog

    So I helped a guy pick up his Triumph Rocket 3 in a parking lot... (just venting)

    He was just embarassed as hell and had already run away in his mind. Or, he’s a dick. Thanks for the post. It led to Wrecka’s video of how to pick up a dropped bike. I may (probably) need that some day.
  14. Rolls-Hog

    Hello from Hyderabad - South India

    Welcome aboard from Cincinnati! You’re in the right place! Rolls
  15. Rolls-Hog


    Clutch switch. It’s amazing the little gotchas you learn on this site.
  16. Rolls-Hog

    Top Box-Again

    I’m thinking Billy has a winner. They even sell a mount for the Rocket.
  17. Rolls-Hog

    Top Box-Again

    Is that the stock luggage rack with struts added?
  18. Rolls-Hog

    Top Box-Again

    OK. Wifey wants the backrest that’s on the Harley Tour Pack. Before I run out and drop $850 on the Harley genuine part (not that Petunia’s back isn’t worth it), what say you all? I looked at old threads, but maybe I’ve missed the one I was looking for. I also looked at the after market boxes...
  19. Rolls-Hog

    Newbie from Bulgaria

    Hey from Ohio! I started with a Bonneville for a few years, then the Rocket. It’s a big, big motorcycle, but the more you ride one, the more you love it. Rolls
  20. Rolls-Hog

    New owner

    Welcome from Cincinnati! As a new guy myself, these guys mean it!