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  1. John Miller


    Unfortunately not good news. It could be a bent selector fork at best or worst case maybe a broken cerclip on either the input or output shaft (allowing the shaft to move out of alignment, hence jumping out of 5th gear). Unless you pull the whole gearbox apart and strip/check everything you...
  2. John Miller

    Hesitation and back fire through throttle bodies at 2000 rpm

    One last thing to check is with the engine off, ignition on and Tune ECU connected, check that your TPS is actually going from 0% to 100% and back to 0% when released. It means that your engine mapping and AFR will be way out when you are at WOT (and elsewhere) if you are not getting 100% on...
  3. John Miller

    Hesitation and back fire through throttle bodies at 2000 rpm

    Pull the MAP sensor christmas tree fitting where all the lines connect to and make sure and certain that each port is open and are not blocked or restricted, do the same for each for the vacuum hoses and where they connect on the t/bodies. If you have a restriction or partial blockage in the...
  4. John Miller


    I would say the front wheel was almost off the ground and the tarmac was a little bumpy, this same thing happened to me some time ago and the front wheel wobble was unnerving but not violent. I put it down to a combination of tires, road surface and slightly slippy surface, haven't had it...
  5. John Miller

    Looking for a good tune.

    I think basically without breaking into the engine replacing cams and pistons etc. just using the standard headers you can get upward of 150RWHP by removing the std intake and fitting cat delete and better mufflers. Uploading or getting a good tune however is a must, once that is done with the...
  6. John Miller

    Rocket 3R gear shift adjustment

    Undo the locking nut on the shift linkage rod and wind the threaded rod out so that it lengthens the length of the rod, lifting the gear shift lever until your boot fits under then tighten up the locking nuts. Worked for me same size boot as well.
  7. John Miller

    The dreaded intake backfire cure.

    If you go through the resources on how to? Use Tune Ecu and TPS / ISCV reset you will need to educate yourself on the use of Tune Ecu to understand what we are discussing and how to do the adjustments we are suggesting.
  8. John Miller

    The dreaded intake backfire cure.

    Put simply as @Claviger has indicated. By lifting the static voltage above the standard setting from .60V to .66V I have now matched/synchronized TPS movement with initial throttle blade movement. In my case the std. .60V setting was not in sync. with throttle blade movement and the TPS was...
  9. John Miller

    The dreaded intake backfire cure.

    Whilst I have in the past advocated advancing the static TPS set up value of .64V I still had some very rare and occasional intake backfire I have totally cured the issue recently and below is what has worked for me. I recently had my TPS sensor fail causing an erratic very low part throttle...
  10. John Miller

    Do you remember your first ride?

    Oh indeed yes my first car was a Wagon (EH Holden to be exact). Man that thing had some major work done during it's life with me, I mean repairs not performance.
  11. John Miller

    Do you remember your first ride?

    First ride was a 1964 Triumph 650cc , bought it in total pieces for $ 100.00. The guy that owned it stripped it to rebuild and then just got rid of it (to me). My brother was at the time an apprentice motor mechanic and myself an apprentice fitter/machinist. It was 1972 and we rebuilt the...
  12. John Miller

    2020 GT...5500 miles...falling apart.

    Having success when dealing with Triumph - alas you might be "the only one" - yet again.
  13. John Miller

    Spark Plugs

    I gave up reading plugs when I gave up two stroke racing in the early 90's. Regardless, if you use a wide band O2 sensor/meter you will get a real time understanding of your current AFR throughout the whole range of throttle positions and engine load. Not everyone will agree but reading plugs...
  14. John Miller

    Front tire woes.

    The AV91 will last longer in any case, a far better option than others out there given that it was developed specifically for the new R3.
  15. John Miller


    **** - wrong hooter thread. I do love big hooters, just had to say that.
  16. John Miller

    TRR3 Roadster - Spongy Front Brake

    Agree - has to be an air lock in the system somewhere. You might need to buy yourself a unit that will suck the air through the bleeder - you can get them from most auto parts stores - keeping the resevior full will be the challenge. Good luck - been there before - not on a R3 (had an air...
  17. John Miller

    Tire help

    Correct the 2013 Roadster has 17" front rim whilst the Touring should have a 16" front rim but still it wont be 180/50 size tire - without dyslexia it should be expressed as 150/80-RXX. According to 2013 Triumph Rocket III Touring the wheel sizes are the same as the Roadster - which I don't...
  18. John Miller

    Tire help

    The std size on the front is 150/80-R17 - just recheck your sizes again - put your glasses on first.
  19. John Miller

    Brand new Rocket 3 burning oil issue

    It might be simply that your oil is leaking down into the sump past the possible missing o ring issue reported recently and someone has overfilled it to top up the oil level so you might have several liters of overfill sitting in the sump void now, just a thought.
  20. John Miller

    Gas cap hiss

    The only hiss I hear is when I pull up next to a guy on his Harley and that's the noise his ego makes when he sees the R3, it's either that or the wind releasing from his bloated head. Happens to me every time.