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  1. fastfun


    "floating point value', that's what PC V is warning for when did click 'ok' in the configuration set up. I don't know what this should mean either. Point is that I had to remove the stock mapsensor when I had installed the sc at the time. With the PC V and Autotune, the bike was then air/fuel...
  2. fastfun


    Are you familiar with PC V , pressure configuration ? Cause following the steps of the YouTube PC demo video I got stuck after typing in the pressure table voltage value 0.250 : "0.250 is not a valid floatingpoint value " So something is not ok for this configuration voltage value. But what did...
  3. fastfun


    Ok, thanks again.Now I will going on wiring/tapping in the pti wires to the stock mapsensor connector ports.
  4. fastfun


  5. fastfun


    (Um, I get some issue with posting my answer under your reaction) Well, I have a try once again . So meanwhile I did have a check on the 3 wires/ports. Wire/port no 3 to no 1 is showing a 4.98 volts Wire/port no 3 to ground/neg batt is showing still a 5.08 volts Wire/port no 1 to ground is...
  6. fastfun


    Thanks. However I don't get the link between your posted auxilliary and accessory circuit diagram and the map sensor circuit. e.g. no 15 in that auxilliary/accessory diagram is the direction indicator unit while no 15 in the complete electrical system diagram stands for the mapsensor.
  7. fastfun


    Thanks . I will check the combinations. Keep you posted.
  8. fastfun


    Is some one familiar with the wiring of the mapsensor ?(Triumph R III Roadster) Let me explain : I'm intending to install a Bosch 3 bar mapsensor because of the chargerpressure. However, I still have some doubts about 1 wire from the stock mapsensor connector that I have to connect to the ground...
  9. fastfun

    Power commander V PTi

    I'm looking for the possibility if this unit PC V PTi can be used for my SC Roadster. Anyone familiar with this unit for the Roadster?
  10. fastfun

    Starter specs ?

    You You mean 'thicker' with 'larger' positive cable ? next, a more powerful starter does need a thicker positive cable you think ?
  11. fastfun

    How to add GP shifting to 2022 Rocket 3 GT?

    For faster acceleration fun. 😜
  12. fastfun

    How to add GP shifting to 2022 Rocket 3 GT?

    I did install that time a Healtech quickshifter unit especially designed for the R3. Became a big disaster,almost.
  13. fastfun

    How to add GP shifting to 2022 Rocket 3 GT?

    Don't mass with it. I did install Healtech once. Almost got the gearbox demolished that time.
  14. fastfun

    Resource Download Dynojet Power Commander "Power Core" Software

    Thanks for your response. Meanwhile I got this ennoying issue sorted out for the most part. The Dynojet desksupport guy recently had for a couple of times an on line connection with my laptop/pcv/autotune/bike. So he could jump around into my 'private parts' so to say 😉 And yes , it turned out...
  15. fastfun

    Power Commander 5 issue

    After about 7 years I 'm getting a serious issue now with Dynojet's PC V(5) and Autotune. (AT) Maybe one of the captains here is familiar with this issue : It started late this summer when the AT didn't make any changes/trimming anymore into the fueltablesettings. Normally when the engine is...
  16. fastfun

    Connection Issue Help For 2.5.8

    I got exactly the same issue, I also was blaming Windows for a long time but after I updated the driver , there was the green connectivitylight back again. hallelujah !😇
  17. fastfun

    Resource Download Dynojet Power Commander "Power Core" Software

    After about 7 years I 'm getting a serious issue now with Dynojet's PC V(5) and Autotune. (AT) Maybe one of the captains here is familiar with this issue : It started late this summer when the AT didn't make any changes/trimming anymore into the fueltablesettings. Normally when the engine is...
  18. fastfun

    Quickshifter question

    How long will the gearbox of a r3 staying save and sound with a qs? Just curious.
  19. fastfun

    Hydraulic clutch release went pop

    yep, as I said, you have to do the right maths 😜
  20. fastfun

    Hydraulic clutch release went pop

    Yes, there you go : 'or something'. You have to do the right maths in order to get the dias and thickness exactly otherwise you will not get the Oberoncylinder in the TTS clutch bracket/housing and Yes, according to the Buellshop they are. I shall see to it to-morrow when I get the shipping.