Bit of a conundrum - you can replace chassis on a landrover and retain reg number, you can even replace bulkhead. I would ( thinking aloud) think that new frame would equal different bike, therefore rendering it a " kit" vehicle hence q plate. Hope I'm wrong and I'm sure someone will correct me...
I may be missing something. Causing death In a vehicle is manslaughter if not more. The moron using autopilot surely must be aware of his surroundings let alone NOT using a device while in control of a car.
Totally agree - got it for a decent price, it has quickshifter fitted and has been well looked after. Shame the backside fell out of Tigers, some dealers won't even take them in now. So glad to be back owning R3
Well I have done it again. After selling my R3 for a Tiger - I instantly missed the bike. The final straw was the depreciation of the Tiger ( loosing £9000.00 in 2 years) I found a GT for sale and bit the bullet.