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  1. Ishrub

    For Sale Chrome line shifter knob 1 eBay

    On @Kevin frazier 's R3T
  2. Ishrub

    For Sale Chrome line shifter knob 1 eBay

    What would I do that SURE! These matching parts were sold as Ameica and Thunderbird accessories but use the same foot board rubbers as R3Ts. The brake pedal one does require drilling mounting holes in your existing brake lever (after removing stock rubber). @Kevin frazier has had a set...
  3. Ishrub

    For Sale Rocket III RAT tin sign on eBay

    Not mine and no idea where the graphics originated. 38cm x 38cm Australia...
  4. Ishrub

    For Sale Chrome line shifter knob 1 eBay

    Now you need the matching R3T brake lever rubber and footboard rubbers for rider and pillion all with matching chrome stripe..........I just happen to know where there is a couple of sets! ;) :roll::roll::roll:
  5. Ishrub

    Shock Absorber opinion

    Yep regular but not Annual. I am wearing now the 2016 Jindabyne RAT rally T-shirt from one of Triumph Australia's promo weekends. I have been to the Hahndorf one in Adelaide SA Ranges and the Batemans Bay NSW one a couple of years ago. There is also a semi-annual bike rally (not run by...
  6. Ishrub

    Shock Absorber opinion

    Average to excellent depending on version. The cheaper (thinner rod) versions) made and assembled in Thailand where company based. They manufacture higher end components as well and in Australia these are custom specc'ed and assembled and distributed by an Australian importer to customer...
  7. Ishrub

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    YEP... spot on! This is the best Triumph parts finder from an Aussie dealer as it has interactive automated links to the images and further notes re VIN matching parts etc.
  8. Ishrub

    Want to Buy Chrome top yoke

    Not all were chrome plated most were polished alloy. The chrome was a 2008 Triumph accessory option . Looks like they have one at World of Triumph in UK. A9738006 | Chrome Plate Yoke Kit Price: £152.25 (CAD$271)...
  9. Ishrub

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    Because the R3Touring is a different model entirely and not stock for that model. The Std and Roadster handlebars Too much to post The Classic bars kit parts and longer cables. Fowlers may...
  10. Ishrub

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    I have a set of std bars off a 2008 but they are easy to source locally usually or from fellow forum members near you. HERMES TRiumph Do a search of the forum for Classic handlebars posted by Ishrub and voilà: You may want the R3 Classic 2006-2009 bars (Part No. T2043580) with more pull back...
  11. Ishrub

    Evil Knievel Rocket 3 Edition

    It is weird what comes up with a Google phat phums search! Especially in motorcycling media. I was wondering on the connection to justify an EK R3 Triumph special edition and typed "Evel Knieval and Triump" inadvertently leaving off the 'h'. Failing upwards: In a slightly different world...
  12. Ishrub

    Evil Knievel Rocket 3 Edition

    Arhh marketing ..........will Triumph and the Big T make a deal next. Announcing the Trump Triumph Rocket. ;) :roll: :roll: :roll:
  13. Ishrub

    Handle bars on 2010 Classic.

    R3Touring bars are VERY different to Standard and Classic bars. Most prefer the original Classic bars designed to match the footboards even on Standards and Roadsters with pegs. A lot of us even hated the R3Touring bars on the R3T and I had a NOS set of Classic bars I fitted to mine before...
  14. Ishrub

    For Fred- the secret buyer?

    For Fred @Rocket Scientist - the secret H2 buyer? ;) :roll::roll::roll:
  15. Ishrub

    For Sale 2012 roadster to part out

    Read my latest message this morning. You will be happy and Benny will be too!
  16. Ishrub

    For Sale 2012 roadster to part out

    Yeah , sorry been busy as. No worries, shall do today.
  17. Ishrub

    For Sale 2012 roadster to part out

    If you like I can start a great Tribal Orange version for you. I have front and rear fenders to paint; factory Tribal Orange side covers; and a brand new factory Tribal Orange flyscreen kit with mounting brackets. To top it off... I have 2 litres of Triumph Lucifer Orange paint and a full...
  18. Ishrub

    For Sale 2012 roadster to part out

    Sad to see you don't have it anymore. I was tempted to buy it when you must have had it up for sale. Yep, I have a Corbin Fastgun Solo too, same as your old one in Corbin Snakeskin and black leather as sold by Corbin. It is in Brisbane still with @ozrider who has been intending to courier to...
  19. Ishrub

    For Sale 2012 roadster to part out

    What are you looking for? I have plenty of stuff still. Screens, Corbin seats, Triumph leather panniers, front and rear fenders, footboards, h'way pegs, mirrors, etc, Looks like you have most of it covered pretty well! Love your bike! I saw it for sale used a few years ago.
  20. Ishrub

    A new direction / solution

    Gee whiz ....LUDDITES are everywhere!:):roll::roll::roll::roll: