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  1. Poseidon

    2015 brake line kits

    It's called the big blue bike lift just look up triumph rocket bike lift and you will see it in images. Not cheap £395 but it's awesome and very sturdy.
  2. Poseidon

    2015 brake line kits

    New toy for assisting the bike project:
  3. Poseidon

    2015 brake line kits

    Yeah i would also think they are the same, just found it strange that HEL didn't know the answer as i am sure they would like to sell their hoses to as many owners as possible. The project is coming on great just waiting for the new razor discs to arrive and custom built handlebars and i will...
  4. Poseidon

    2015 brake line kits

    Thanks for that I'll look them up.
  5. Poseidon

    2015 brake line kits

    Hi Guys I'm looking to change my brake lines on my 2015 rocket but cannot find any kits for models later than 2013. I contacted HEL to ask if their 2013 (ABS) kit would fit the 2015 model but they said that they were unsure and that i would need to find out if the 2013/15 triumph part numbers...
  6. Poseidon

    project X

    I will look them up, cheers for that
  7. Poseidon

    project X

    It doesn't go out in the rain i have an Explorer for that but i am putting a cut down front mudguard (the original one cut and re-shaped) and a small rear fender to protect the battery compartment mainly. This will also be painted to match the tank and front mudguard.
  8. Poseidon

    project X

    I have been looking at Wilbers piggy back rear shocks but they are £1200 so a bit out of my price range at present what the other work under way but would like to have a pair at some point. Any suggestions for the front springs?
  9. Poseidon

    project X

    New pipes all fitted, seat recovered and indicators renewed with billet items, lots more to be done, rear fender being made and front mudguard being cut down, new razor discs being manufactured and billet handlebars being custom made. I know its not the purists cup of tea but i'm loving it!
  10. Poseidon

    wavy discs

    I could get the from ones ok but not the rear so i have found a company that will make me a full set to my own design, i'll post a pic when they are finished mid March.
  11. Poseidon

    rear sub frame question

    Thanks for the advice, adding extra strength to the cross bar would be a wise thing. I have now found a custom work shop here in the UK that can do the work rather than myself taking an angle grinder to the frame (cringe i know) i have CES headers on the way and have a short stubby can and...
  12. Poseidon

    rear sub frame question

    Exactly that I asked for advice, expected opinions but best kept to yourselves those who chose to insult. It's my bike and my choices needless to say I won't be slagging any of you off irrelevant of my opinions.
  13. Poseidon

    wavy discs

    Thank you guys I will check out your suggestions
  14. Poseidon

    wavy discs

    Hi all, i am trying to locate a company that makes a set of three wavy discs for a 2015 rocket (abs) i have found EBC that make wavy discs for this model but only the front. Does anyone know of anything available?
  15. Poseidon

    rear sub frame question

    I am looking to turn my rocket into a bobber and want to get rid of the rear fender entirely leaving just the single seat. I will be wanting to cut off the rear sub frame just behind the rear shocks, has anyone done this? Will it weaken the frame? it has a bar that runs between the rear shocks...
  16. Poseidon


    Hi Red baron good choice of bike I have also just purchased a Rocket X my number is 275. I had a 2007 classic a few years ago and missed it so much I had a to get another one and ended up with the X.
  17. Poseidon


    Thanks for the welcome mate, the name was chosen as my other hobby besides bikes is deep technical scuba diving mainly done here in the UK and Egypt. Not done Oz yet but had a mate running a tech centre in Port Douglas.
  18. Poseidon


    Hi Guys, just joined the forum after purchasing a 2015 Rocket X which is a combined 50th birthday and Xmas present to myself :-) I hope you all have a great Christmas and may 2016 be a year for good biking weather!!