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  • Users: Dalan
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  1. Dalan

    For Sale Corbin Beetle bags and Cee Baily screen for R3 Roadster for sale

    Removing. Cannot figure how to remove post. Not for sale.
  2. Dalan

    For Sale Corbin Beetle bags and Cee Baily screen for R3 Roadster for sale

    Locks can be had on Amazon. Identical to original. I think $20 for a pair. Bolts and nuts, guessing $10-$15. I will take closeups tomorrow. Interior is fair condition. The repair was a small crack/scrape near the bottom. I used fiberglass cloth and resin to repair it.
  3. Dalan

    For Sale Corbin Beetle bags and Cee Baily screen for R3 Roadster for sale

    Have Beetle bags and screen for sale. Bought them used. Never installed. Guy I bought them from did not send bolts or keys. I made minor repairs to the bags. I have the install brackets. Other bolts and nuts can be had at NAPA or elsewhere. I have a parts list from Corbin. I paid $400...
  4. Dalan

    Rocketman no more

    The Rocket will never leave my mind. I really want my wife to ride with me. She would on the Goldwing. It is (was) so hard to hold up her and my weight, on a gravel road, half mile to blacktop. Her Parkinsons, my messed up knees, and no reverse on Rocket, made the Can Am attractive. I...
  5. Dalan

    Rocketman no more

    That emergency slowdown was today. Thought I was too hot into a corner. Somebody broke off the front brake lever.
  6. Dalan

    Rocketman no more

    Traded the R3R in today. I will miss it for the raw power and looks. Missed last two RAA West meets, life interferred. I have enjoyed this place, discussions and knowledge. But cartilage loss in a knee, I needed to make changes to increase comfort. Holding the bike up on our half mile...
  7. Dalan

    Received this from Tampa dealer and link to Daily Herald ( UK)

    Triumph: “Buh-bye”
  8. Dalan

    three days to RAA WEST

    Claviger. Two back thoughts. Roll out of bed on stomach. Brace self with arms. Don’t sit up out of bed and especially quickly. If this is not some chronic back issue: Gently lower yourself to floor. Get a hard rolled up newspaper, preferably a large one. Place near problem area. Roll...
  9. Dalan

    three days to RAA WEST

    Wanted to go. Life interferred again. Arizona desert will be 108 degree F range. The Olympic peninsula sounds better.
  10. Dalan

    Supercharged Thruxton...

    Not bad. 147 hp. The supercharged Thruxton leading the Sultans of Sprint
  11. Dalan

    Long time Valkyrie enthusiast may switch to R3

    Derrick, Welcome from NW Oregon. Former GW rider here, that wanted unrestricted legroom. I went about 500 feet on the Rocket test drive. I knew I would try to make a deal that night. The Valkyrie and GW share a great engine. Gears do not matter much on either. The Rocket has some vibes...
  12. Dalan

    Greatings from Eastern Oregon, USA (Hells Canyon)

    Fred, Greetings from Silverton, Or. On the wet side.
  13. Dalan

    Lifetime Honda guy just trying to get info on Triumph

    Gold wing is a great bike. I flat had to get more legroom. My knees were right in the vents. Road pegs on the R3 are a total luxury. I flat miss reverse gear. Pushing the Rocket backwards on gravel is no fun. A slight handlebar vibe reminds you that you are not on the wing. The engine...
  14. Dalan

    Big Sur Californiana

    Try Caltrans.
  15. Dalan

    Oils ain’t oils sol!

    Unsure about T4 rating. It meets JASO MA ratings for wet motorcycle clutches. Used it in a Goldwing as well.
  16. Dalan

    Oils ain’t oils sol!

    Rotella T T6 Full synthetic oil. 5-40 Using in my eco diesel as a replacement to a lighter euro oil. Exceeds the requirements shown for the Rocket. Turbocharged engines, with their higher temperature operating ranges and extreme heat turbochargers demand a high quality oil. Rotella is easy...
  17. Dalan


    Steve, Try to participate, for at least a part of it. Folks heading through Oregon can camp out here. Or a room or two. Trade stories. We are slightly East and North of Salem. Just minutes from Interstate 5. And, we will feed you. And maybe ride on North.
  18. Dalan

    Running a stored bike in snowy months

    Hope they don’t use salt on the roads where you towed...
  19. Dalan

    Greetings from Ukraine.

    Dr. Pon, Just hoping for your continued good health, if Ukrainian drivers are as good as Russian drivers. I quickly learned that pedestrians have no right of way in Russia. I thought Mexican drivers were bad. If no pedestrian soft targets were available, motorcycles made great sport for...
  20. Dalan

    Greetings from Ukraine.

    PADI certified since 1970. (Professional Association of Dive Instructors) R3 owner. Etc. Son who was born in Krasnoyarsk, North and East of you. Welcome from the semi-Siberian Pacific Northwest, in USA.