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  1. Chance Wirey


    It's obviously up to you guys what you want to do. However, if Triumph phases out the Rocket, it will only support it with parts for so long. During which time, participation on this site will likely dwindle. At present, Triumph discontinuing the Rocket is just a rumor, which gives us an...
  2. Chance Wirey


    All, just had an idea, which has been percolating for the last few months. Have you guys ever scrolled through Triumph's Facebook page? Or it's Twitter account? I scroll and I scroll--but I have to scroll through months worth of posts before I find a Rocket. And then it hit me: we should start...
  3. Chance Wirey

    Engine Rebuild Videos

    I'm curious if anyone has seen, or can possibly point me in the direction of, an engine rebuild video for the Rocket's engine? It's not a need I any way (my bike is doing just fine), it's just something I'm interested in. Thanks for your help!
  4. Chance Wirey

    Making a Rocket look like this...

    My wife suggested that a gathering of Harley's be called a Harrowing...or more comically, a Hubris. Also, what is this nonsense I read about the Rocket not looking good? Bone stock, it's brilliant. Now, that said, part of me wonders what a military-esque dress-up might look like... Flat OD...
  5. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    Brother, that's a nice 1911 you have there as your avatar. I carry a Kimber Pro Raptor II; and also own a POF-USA AR-15, as well as a Mosin Nagant. As for the bike, the Rocket is definitely a special machine. I feel like I can grow into it for years, then upgrade it down the road and probably...
  6. Chance Wirey


    Dude, that totally sucks. No excuse for selling a bike out from under you, when he knew he was getting the sale. Bad form!
  7. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    I think it's definitely something I'm going to have to get used to. Honestly, there's just not many Rockets where I'm at right now. Like I said--its a sea of Harleys and Harley wanna-bes. And if not those, then another sea of street bikes that all tend to look the same. In that crowd, the...
  8. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    Man, I don't think people ever forget first loves--whether that's with a person, or with a bike. And the bond of suffering--as many of my fellow veterans know all too well--is not one which is easily broken. Obviously, I'm sorry to hear that you wrecked your bikes...but I'm sure from the pain...
  9. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    I notice I'm catching the looks even on the interstate--which is pretty cool. One guy was nodding and signaling me to open her up. I obliged, and watched his car get tiny in the mirror. When I slowed down and he finally caught up, you'd have thought I'd given the man some sort of christmas...
  10. Chance Wirey


    Welcome Brad! I just bought a Rocket myself (2014 Rocket Roadster). I'm 6' 2", 250lbs. Previous bike was a 2009 Yamaha V-Star 950, which was about 150lbs lighter than the Rocket. I sat on both the Roadster and Touring before I purchased my bike. Ultimately, I thought the Roadster was...
  11. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    @TOMCAT shame you missed the 80’s, man…so much to make fun of now! :) @Boog I grew up in Indiana, but spent my summers in TN (watching my grandpa express his southern pride by flying Lee’s battle flag). My wife is from Georgia, and so I’m well aware of “the war of northern aggression”. At...
  12. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    @TOMCAT I *know* you were just having a go...thick skin is completely's no big deal. "The Howling 2: Your Sister's a Werewolf" comment is a quote from the TV show, Psych--it's intended to make fun of that completely awful B-grade teen movie. Anyway, Psych has to be one of best TV...
  13. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    @Steel Awesome photo of the bike! Are those the standard Triumph saddlebags, or from another manufacturer? What Liter size are they, do you know? The setup you have for your bike is almost exactly what I'm going for. I already have the sissy bar, which has made getting my wife on the back a...
  14. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    Really appreciate the welcome! Lots of Aussies around, I see! I was proud to serve with you guys in Afghanistan in 2010. @TOMCAT — stop being "The Howling 2: Your Sister's a Werewolf". :D Yep, I was "preaching to the choir"...but I was also speaking to guys like me, who did a fair bit of...
  15. Chance Wirey

    An American Muscle Car...On Two Wheels

    I just purchased a matte-black, white striped, 2014 Rocket Roadster about two months ago, and I'm absolutely stoked! I'm not sure this is going to make sense to anybody, but the styling of this's like the guys at Triumph said, "We want to make an old American muscle car...but on two...