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  • Users: grim
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  1. Worlds Greatest Sporting Event

    the thing is it seems like to play soccer you have to be 50 percent ball player and 50 percent actor
  2. Check this dude out

    I like the way he still has time to signal the rider following about the car coming up and he is going to overtake it
  3. The World is nuts (jokes)

    What is the the difference between parsley on a plate and womens pubic hair. Nothing . You push them both to the side before you start eating.
  4. Rear Tyres South East Queensland

    mad mick at goodna near ipswich has the best price for tyres i have seen .
  5. state of origin

    state of origin go queensland

  7. Our First Ride on the R3T

    I have a reverse gear she sits behind me on the bike
  8. "The Mistress No More"

    hanso sad to hear about your prang .MAKE SURE U GET INTO PHYSIO SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER HEALING.
  9. Hello from Central Queensland, Australia.

    been better muff. ride sounds good but I dont think i will be on the bike by then . Just had a hernia op. they said i would have 3 or 4 holes in my gut ended up with 10 . So i'm taking easy for awhile
  10. Hello from Central Queensland, Australia.

    hey muff its grim from gatton been on this site for a while good blokes and great information on all things rocket still remember the good time i had at moura anzac day couple of years back
  11. What don't you like about your triumph wind shield

    oops did not realise discussion was about a roadster
  12. What don't you like about your triumph wind shield

    i had the same problem screen too short went to a bloke that made perspex signs made a template the size i wanted clamped it on to the triumph windscreen mounting they are strong enuff to keep the shape done 10000 ks and had no problems and a quarter the price
  13. raising front shocks

    has anyone raised their front shocks thru the clamps i did it on my gsx1400 and it dropped into the corners so much easier and made it handle better and i am curious if any rocket riders have done it
  14. For Sale Front and rear crash / Dresser bars and Highway pegs and adjustable arms

    i live just outside of gatton at placid hills maybe get together sometime and go for a ride
  15. hello

  16. hello

    thanks man i appreciate your help
  17. hello

    thank you for your kind words
  18. hello

  19. hello

    hey been checking out the forum for a while seen alot of good discussions and advice on here however i am technologically challenged so i have trouble working out how to post threads and replying also i do not get on the computer very often
  20. hello

    sounds good