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  1. seabum

    Ignition switch failure/ headlight relay kit

    Thanks for help, the gauges do the sweep, the lights dim, battery tests out o.k., still the sound of silence---will try multi meter, thanks again.
  2. seabum

    Ignition switch failure/ headlight relay kit

    2007 r 111 classic sat in garage for 3 months due to injury. So I go to start lil baby , and I hear one click, then silence, lots and lots of silence. Battery is hot, connections tight , bright lights, and more silence. Am I to late for eastern beaver fix ? may be a $1.95 toggle switch? Plan...
  3. seabum

    One week ownership

  4. seabum

    Rocket Owners Northwest

    Would like to be included in Rocket Owners North West--That would be seabum, Al, Damascus Oregon
  5. seabum

    Distracted driver hits four motorcycles

    Best wishes for injured bike riders--meanwhile be looking for piece of rope and a tree branch
  6. seabum

    One week ownership

    Parked new to me Rocket Classic beside H.D. Road King. I can say lightening did not strike my home, demons did not scream, the ground did not shake and the valley stayed calm, All is good----except for the gone bad wrong of handle bar design, not good for old geezer, but the fix should be easy...
  7. seabum

    The rocket has arrived

    Thanks for all your help, you suggested I put kick-stand all the way up, I did-it did-life is good again. When one is a old geezer, like me, life is a big question mark
  8. seabum

    The rocket has arrived

    QUOTE=seabum;501889]Yippi yippi -A white truck came to my address two days ago and left a new to me a 2007 rocket classic. bought from a dealer in Va. and delivered to Ore. Bike same color as side car ,this is good ---bike starts then dies when you put it in gear, not good, hope is because of...
  9. seabum

    The rocket has arrived

    Yippi yippi -A white truck came to my address two days ago and left a new to me a 2007 rocket classic. bought from a dealer in Va. and delivered to Ore. Bike same color as side car ,this is good ---bike starts then dies when you put it in gear, not good, hope is because of something I don't...
  10. seabum

    Ordered a windshield -Must be getting old!

    Like your name 2toneblue, as those are the colors of 2007 classic ,which is coming across country to reside in my garage----and hope it is the same 2 tone blue as my hannigan astro2 side car, which I hope to marry it up to.
  11. seabum

    Ordered a windshield -Must be getting old!

    windshields since age 50, that be 17 years ago won't leave garage with out it. folks that don't like the " look " can look the other way.
  12. seabum

    It's Gone

    Sorry as hell about loss of good looking bike, glad you folks are o.k. and will mend. No lic.,no insurance, sounds like a growing part of our population in what used to be the good old U.S.A.
  13. seabum

    Rocket owners average age!

    About the same age as dirt-67
  14. seabum

    new to forum-new to britt bikes- old as hell for all else

    new to forum-new to britt bikes- old as hell for all else
  15. seabum

    Geezer conversion

    Maybe I could reserve one of those for the final ride --sitting tall and going in on the right hand lane--- It looks GREAT
  16. seabum

    Geezer conversion

    Three yrs. to go for such an honorable patch---hope by then, I can still wheez while wearing the "wheezer"
  17. seabum

    Geezer conversion

    Old geezer with [ new to me ] Brit toy. After 50+ years of riding the Harley brand, I stepped out of my comfort zone ,and went down for a rocket 111, which will soon be forever married to a side hack. The whole plan is to have a rig that wont fall over at stop signs.