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  1. R3R Torque

    Tragic Ural Crash

    This kinda bs, along with an unending egocentric opinion that every bike (especially HDs) sucks unless approved by imafast is exactly why I left this forum... Apologies for not saying goodbye as there are some outstanding members here. Very sorry to here about this tragic loss... Prayers...
  2. R3R Torque

    Question on my exhaust system

    I was surprised by how quiet my tors were when first installed as well. I can say for certain, they sound way better after about a thousand miles. :)
  3. R3R Torque

    I'm here asking for Prayer!!!

    Humble prayers heading your way Kenny. Take care of yourself brother. Gary
  4. R3R Torque

    Rocket roadster large screen

    Clearview makes good screens. You're all set since you have the frame for the triumph screen. It's just a simple swap using the same frame. I have a Clearview 23" with recurve, vent, and no cutouts for the fogs. It works well. I easily could have gone with the 25" as I'm 6'2". The 23"...
  5. R3R Torque

    Shoei wins again.

    Totally agree. The wife currently has an older scorpion full-faced helmet. She's pretty much done with it. She says its comfortable, but its ridiculously large & heavy, plus she gets a lot of buffeting. She looks somewhat like lord helmet from 'spaceballs' when wearing it. Anyway, She got...
  6. R3R Torque

    Shoei wins again.

    You guys crack me up. Our oz brothers are gentle soles. Can't imagine why anyone would be worried bout that bunch. Hell, I was just reading another thread about how much they like koalas and how they never would shoot roos... and I'm never sarcastic. lol I humbly apologise to our oz...
  7. R3R Torque

    Shoei wins again.

    Almost was taken out by an owl a few years ago. Hit my fairing and busted my windscreen. I was lucky... wasn't wearing a helmet at the time. Just bought a new shoei. Very expensive but very comfortable. Now I need to get one for my wife.
  8. R3R Torque

    TOR's for early 2103 R3R

    I installed the dobeck EJK efi controller - wish I'd thought of installing the ramair at the same time. It's a bit of a pain getting to the injectors, removing half the intake plenum, but sure made a nice difference. I spent a fair amount of time talking with one of the guys at dobeck prior to...
  9. R3R Torque

    Where to start

    Oh, and welcome to the forum... Dipstick! :roll:
  10. R3R Torque

    Where to start

    :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: I've been successfully fighting the urge to join in the dipstick discussion... till now. Nicely done Rolltide. Nicely done!
  11. R3R Torque

    What Is The Best TuneEcu tune for 2013 Roadster with TORs ??

    Bill. Embarrassing as it is, I'll admit I haven't installed it yet. After speaking with the dealer, I decided to wait rather than jeopardise my warranty. I'll be installing it later this summer.
  12. R3R Torque

    What Is The Best TuneEcu tune for 2013 Roadster with TORs ??

    Bill, I had the same question last summer. Power Tripp answered. Check the second post in the attached thread.
  13. R3R Torque

    R3T ride vs R3R ride

    Ummm... Right. ;)
  14. R3R Torque

    R3T ride vs R3R ride

    I made the mistake of smacking the throttle shifting into second with my wife on the back. Pulled a nice wheelie. She hasn't ridden with me since. Oops. :) I'm sure you'll love the roadster. Its ridiculously fun.
  15. R3R Torque

    asking the pros

    Rocketed.OCKETHEAD, post: 242850, member: 1324"] That is one nice looking machine!
  16. R3R Torque

    might be an owner michigan

    REDD. Welcome to the forum. In 2010, I almost bought a R3 Touring. Took one for about a 20 mile ride and was very impressed with the handling, comfort and power. The look great too. People here commonly refer to there bikes as beasts and ritely so. I'm quite happy with my roadster. These...
  17. R3R Torque

    New 2013 R3 Roadster in the garage!

    GGR3. Congrats on your new ride and welcome from Washington state.
  18. R3R Torque

    For Sale R3 parts for sale

    Sorry to hear you sold your bike, but I'll happily take the bike grab chock and Anderson stand. Pm sent with details.
  19. R3R Torque

    waterpump outlet hose size

    I bought mine at latus hd/triumph in gladstone Oregon. Arguably one of the largest and best hd dealers in the NW. I've heard they're doing pretty well selling the triumph brand as well. They also have their own triumph race team.
  20. R3R Torque

    Newbie in NJ

    Jag Another welcome from Washington state. Had some of the same problems with my engine when new. A quick trip to the dealer sorted it out.