Welcome to the forum. The primary TPS (throttle position sensor) may be causing your idle problem. also lube all the linkages in and around the throttle bodies. Good luck.
The primary TPS is usually the culprit, but if you changed it and set the resistance it should be ruled out. Spray the throttle linkages with lubricant, check the vacuum hoses and check the low tension connectors on the coils. Good luck.
The primary TPS is usually the culprit. But as you have already replaced it, that's strange. Was it set to the correct setting when installed? Also spraying the throttle linkage with lubricant/cleaner may help.
Welcome from Canada. Unfortunately the parts situation is not great. It pays to order a few items to keep ahead, such as spare cables, hoses and gaskets. Enjoy your ride.
When I refill with gas, my 2014 RT takes a mile or two of riding to register on the fuel gauge. It seems to be a common trait of these animals. So in other words, it probably is fine and will start to work when ridden.
Sounds like you have done the normal cures. There is actually an idle screw under the Bearclaw. i think it is coloured (maybe yellow). Normally adjustment is made through the ECU settings. Good luck.
I think that some Provinces require "Winter tires" to be fitted between certain dates. Anyway that is what I was told. Where I live (PEI). we don't have that law.