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  1. 2-up Touring Comfort?

    I'll clarify. I would use this bike for the following: 1. Solo, multi day travel, usually a week to 10 days, 2 or 3 times a year. 2. 2-up, daylong road trips. You're correct about the features as well. The 'LT has lots of "bells and whistles" which make a long trip more enjoyable...
  2. 2-up Touring Comfort?

    I agree. They're great bikes.
  3. 2-up Touring Comfort?

    Thanks Ygransom. I was hoping for 500lbs or more, but If I drop 10 or 20 pounds (which I certainly need to do) then the two of us with some luggage and gear should make the 485 lb maximum. I'll probably test ride at the next truck demo in the Fall and then make a decision. Thanks, Pat
  4. 2-up Touring Comfort?

    Thanks for the responses gang. I'm still curious about the maximum payload though. It should be listed in the owners manual. Thanks
  5. 2-up Touring Comfort?

    Two years ago I rode one at a Triumph Truck Demo event in Baltimore. It was a short ride (with a group) and I rode solo. I didn't get to open up the throttle except for short spurts. The bike handled well (at speed) and the throttle response was excellent. The shifting was a little clunky...
  6. 2-up Touring Comfort?

    Hi to all. I'm new to the forum and I'm hoping to get some help. I've had my eye on the Tourer for a couple of years. I already own a Scrambler (solo riding) and a BMW K1200LT which my wife loves (comfort). I am considering trading the Scram for a 2012 Tourer and I would use it primarily...