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  1. Rocket Steve

    Awesome! Where did you get your seat and pack set-up? That's just what I'm looking for.

    Awesome! Where did you get your seat and pack set-up? That's just what I'm looking for.
  2. Rocket Steve

    Motor Trike Conversion?

    Motor Trike Conversion?
  3. Rocket Steve

    Rocket III Trike Reverse?

    Micksan, if you've got some time in on trikes, maybe you can provide me with some thoughts on something I'm struggling with. I want to change out the seat on this Motor Trike for something with a decent passenger pad and backrest/sissy bar/luggage rack set-up, maybe even a tour pack. I haven't...
  4. Rocket Steve

    Rocket III Trike Reverse?

    I purchased an R3 Motor Trike about a month ago. Still working out a few things, but I can tell you that the reverse is a starter motor. When you engage the reverse button, it converts the horn and starter buttons to operate. You have to hold both buttons down for it to move. I usually hold the...