I bought the R I have in 2022 for 17,500 with 176 miles on it. Was ok for awhile. Need more comfort now. I see you mention the seat to. I have a corbine seat on mine. What's you opinion with that set up
Hi, I have a 2022 rocket 3r. Have a tune in it to. I am about to convert to gt handlebars for a little more comfort. Anybody else done this and how do you like it
After no replies from anybody. I am reporting that I contacted ixil usa and sent them pictures of exhaust they notified they are sending the baffles to me. They were left out in shipping.
Just installed the exil full sys. Easy install. Looks great. My question is what do the baffles look like. I don't see anything that would be a baffle. Can someone post a picture of the baffle.
Well took my 2022 new for 600 mile service last Thursday. There was a factory update for it. After awhile service manager comes out to talk to me. Instrument cluster crashed. Triumph told them to order new one. Came in late today. Hoping to get call tomorrow saying done
Well took my rocket 3 in for first service. Was taking awhile. Finally the service manager came out to talk to me. Was a factory update to be performed. During that the instrument cluster died. Tried to get it back with help from triumph hot line. Ended up ordering a new one.