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  1. rumpletom

    Left side cover

    Sorry took too long to get back to you, sitting on the bike the left side is what I need thanks anyway
  2. rumpletom

    Left side cover

    Just recently had a left side cover come up missing, must have not have it completely snapped in after hooking up tune ECU to find trouble code,if anyone has one I could purchase please let me know
  3. rumpletom

    Southern ride this Spring?

    The MyrtleBeach spring Harley owners (sorry) association is May 9 through the 18th this year,most all events center around suck,bang,blow, (again sorry) in Murrels inlet just south of Myrtle Beach, not crazy like Daytona easy ride down 17 to Charleston area where I'm at to check out some cool sights
  4. rumpletom

    Southern ride this Spring?

  5. rumpletom

    Southern ride this Spring?

    Myrtle Beach is a good time, Been to bike week with the rocket a few years now and the v twin guys are cool 😎
  6. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    Rode the rest of the to the shop
  7. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    And then some, I've seen bikes tip over with worse damage,any recommendations for the wind screen?
  8. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    I tried to post a couple times, think the ones I put on media went through,if I knew threads were showing we wouldn't have left the garage
  9. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    Update to last week's incident, I got super lucky with minimal damage but came across a very likely contributer for traction loss, I know the tire was getting close to replace time but it didn't look like this, had it up on the lift about six or seven weeks ago and it didn't look like this!
  10. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    I managed to almost make it through corner and slid in the grass and whatnot on the edge, the crash bar saved almost everything, somehow the windscreen broke along the mount and the left fog light got bent, will post some pics tonight
  11. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    Was on a road that has had a lot of construction and went through a turn too quickly, totally my fault, bike running so good thought I was bullet proof
  12. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    Thanks, appreciate you checking
  13. rumpletom

    Damage repair

    My 09 R3T had an unfortunate slide through the marbles this weekend, was wondering if anyone has a spare fog light and possibly left side crash bar they would sell, I know neither one is easily available but I could only hope... Oh, and a windscreen, I've seen some discussions on the the...
  14. rumpletom

    For Sale 2014 Rocket III Touring

    I'm interested in the rear fender rails if you have to take them off 😔 Great looking machine, got a few ideas from the two tone
  15. rumpletom

    Myrtle Beach Fall bike run

    Yeah it's a lot of v twin action but they give the big girl her proper spect, wonder why when the taillight is about all they see 🤔
  16. rumpletom

    For Sale 2014 Touring seat with driver backrest

    Bonnie gave me the ok, let me know what you need to make it happen
  17. rumpletom

    For Sale 2014 Touring seat with driver backrest

    Is that seat still available? Asking for a friend.... No Bonnie I'm not buying it for me lol
  18. rumpletom

    I think I figured out a way to describe how a Rocket III sounds

    pissed off Singer sewing machine!
  19. IMG_20240411_224953464_HDR.jpg

