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  1. Levers - What options are there

    Maybe 2mm at the pin on clutch and brake. That’s just the way I like it. I feel like a little play is good to stay off the switch and relieve all pressure
  2. Levers - What options are there

    I bought the pro brake which looks like the rest of them. Benefits are adjustability and less unused length. The downside of these pricey things is comfort. They are squared off which looks good but the stockers are more comfy. I do have a little buyers remorse but they are red and black...
  3. Mounting an Exedra Max rear tire on the new 3R = Better Handling

    thanks for the good info. anybody pairing this rear with a taller front to increase height and lean angle? The lean angle is giving me a little buyers remorse
  4. hard to start when range is ~30 miles or less

    T hanks for the tire recommendation. I found a post on this site and I’m interested. I try to keep traction control on because I know I’ll rip through tires and these are pricey tires. As for the Rocket event, I’ll see if I can find a riding buddy to ride there with.
  5. hard to start when range is ~30 miles or less

    I’m traveling now so I can’t get you a pic. The pinhole is in the filler neck on the forward side. If you open it up it will let more air out when filling past the filler neck. I only fill all the way when I’m on a ride. I wouldn’t recommend if your just going to park it in the garage. It’s...
  6. hard to start when range is ~30 miles or less

    Hi Y'all, I recently went on a 5 day ride with all bagged Harleys and I was holding them up because of the fuel range on the 221R3. Once the fuel light came on and the engine was shut off, I had to crank the engine over for a few seconds before it would start back up. anybody else have this...
  7. New guy from Japan

    I don't know much about it but I did test ride a GT with the quick shift so it must be possible. welcome to R3Owners. Ill be in Ginza end of November and Nagoya around the 5th of December if you want to talk about the new bike. I've modified mine a little bit and did the 600 mile service myself.
  8. Levers - What options are there

    check out this German company probrake
  9. Panniers holders (mounting kit) Try this link. The screws need to be removed from the inside of the bag
  10. Powerbronze Powerblade for GT

    I have the light screen (320mm) in black and i like the look. However after the first ride i went to the hardware store and bought 1/8 inch spacers for the upper mounts. Now instead of the air chopping me in the throat, it hits the upper helmet.
  11. Newbie

    Welcome from Texas!
  12. Panniers holders (mounting kit)

    I had the same issue last week but my new brackets have a metal clip to hold the arm up. Not sure why mine would be different than yours. Anyways easy fix for me, i just used pliers to squeeze it tighter on both sides. No issues now and i did about 120miles yesterday.
  13. Hello from Texas!

    This is my first Triumph. I’ve been a Honda guy for a very long time but they had nothing of interest to me. I do have an old BSA 441 that is fun to rip around town because of its light weight
  14. Hello from Texas!

    This is all i have
  15. Hello from Texas!

    I just picked up a 221 R3 about a month ago and i try to ride it whenever the temp drops below 100F. So far I’ve added about 350 miles, lemonster ram phone mount, triumph panniers, seat infill, and a black powerbronze shorty windscreen. Looking fwd to the new forum and chatting with y’all