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  1. leigh_m_gardner

    RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

    If I forget, you guys can come ride your rockets to whatever hospital I end up in (or cemetery) ;)
  2. leigh_m_gardner

    RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

    LMG / 1 / 1 / UK / All of them I thought I better put my line in there. I am all booked up - arriving in the US this coming Saturday (14th) riding around the mountains of California, blasting across Utah, and hammering in to Colorado the week after and meeting up with Ogre for his pre-ride...
  3. leigh_m_gardner

    RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

    $85 plus taxes as I am a Brit. Is this your countries way of reclaiming the tax for the tea? ;)
  4. leigh_m_gardner

    RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

    I just remembered my userid and pasword to this site. Ogre sent me over here. I will be in the USA during this time albeit on my Honda Valkyrie. Do you guys mind a limey riding a rice burner joining you so you can all pick fun at? If I haven't missed the boat, how do I book this hotel? Do I...
  5. leigh_m_gardner

    A question about secondaries and the Secondary TPS.....

    That's not what I plan to do. I was thinking of the issues the secondary TPS gave me when it became intermittently defective. If the secondary butterflies aren't present, would the defective secondary TPS cause operational problems? Sent from SYDland......
  6. leigh_m_gardner

    A question about secondaries and the Secondary TPS.....

    Heres a question - if you remove the secondaries physically (ie as the original 3 KN conversion suggested), is there any need for the secondary TPS to be present and/or working correctly?
  7. leigh_m_gardner

    custom headers in the UK

    Zorstec used the exhaust manifolds from the stock headers in order to do Steves headers.
  8. leigh_m_gardner

    custom headers in the UK

    Yep, Andy at Zorstec did a few of the ram air intakes, he also did Chalky Steves exhausts - I got photos somewhere.....
  9. leigh_m_gardner

    custom headers in the UK

    Alan from Nottinghamshire made them, a friend of Jerry's (apollo3). Sent from SYDland........
  10. leigh_m_gardner

    Setting secondary TPS and found oily residue on the butterflies

    cleaned them up and will check them in a month or two. thanks.
  11. leigh_m_gardner

    Setting secondary TPS and found oily residue on the butterflies

    I was in the bike going through the primary and secondary TPS setups and took the KNs off in order to ensure the butterflies were shut, when I found an oily residue on them. Any ideas what it might be? I have checked the crankcase filter is in place. Could it be the oil from the KNs (I havent...
  12. leigh_m_gardner


    It's very simple to drop the forks out of the yokes/triple trees and, in the long run, will save you time as you will be able to empty them by tutning them upside down and draining. Also gives you chance to check the forks properly and give them a proper clean. Sent from SYDland......
  13. leigh_m_gardner

    Zard Exhausts

    Les has had (or has) these if memory serves. Sent from SYDland.....
  14. leigh_m_gardner

    Changing speedo From Mph to Km

    Just posted a response to the very same question on Bikes&Mates. It should just plug straighti n and work. I dont know of any setting which the ECU needs changing. The "logic" is in the speedo itself.
  15. leigh_m_gardner

    Bike wont tick over - just dies

    Thanks. I will take some screen shots and post as I am not convinced I understand fully. Sent from SYDland....
  16. leigh_m_gardner

    Bike wont tick over - just dies

    On what tuneecu page is that on? Test, etc. ? Sent from SYDland ....
  17. leigh_m_gardner

    Bike wont tick over - just dies

    How do increase the idle level? Sent from SYDland....
  18. leigh_m_gardner

    Bike wont tick over - just dies

    I lubed up the stepper prior to checking the tps, so I guess it was retracted properly. Sent from SYDland ....
  19. leigh_m_gardner

    Bike wont tick over - just dies

    OK - first task was to check the TPS (using TuneECU) - it was out registering at .64/.65 and the stepper was registering .73/74 I don't personally see why those settings would cause the bike to refuse to tick over, but I adjusted them accordingly to .60 and .72 respectively and it now ticks...
  20. leigh_m_gardner

    Bike wont tick over - just dies

    Ok. Thanks. Worth checking if the tps doesnt seem to be the problem. Sent from SYDland ....