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  1. lonerider

    Handlebar wiring

    I'm so dumb I thought this thread was about "handbag wiring" ,,, ur,,, I was looking into it for Ruzzle!
  2. lonerider

    Couple of possible issues

    zero out of 1000 members find ruzzle helpful
  3. lonerider

    sports screen

    Thats for your condom drainage you silly ole fart!
  4. lonerider

    Bike storage during winter time

    Send it to Lonerider, Co/ Of "Permanent Ozzie dry weather Spot Tas/Vic!!!" Where the Ruzzle process can be further perfected!
  5. lonerider

    Erratic Idle

    Was that Mrs Scum?
  6. lonerider

    Erratic Idle

    I,m so proud I,ve finally put a post in the technical side of things! Well, not a very silly walk!
  7. lonerider

    Erratic Idle

    He was another member of Monty Python wasn't he?? Eratic Idle? Did not show up to many episodes was a bit ur ,,,, eratic?
  8. lonerider

    I Smell a Rat!

    Was at?? You sayin Ruzzle has a big nose????
  9. lonerider

    R3 Life Span

    jd was working on a record but found the pissweek barstad things could not cope with mqueen fence jumping and t-bone car hopping! And then their is all the cut down scotmun versions that spin out on corners trashing the winning mods, and then their is the blow em up versions that with nos and...
  10. lonerider

    Helmet paint job, first try

    That all very well but you need two if you come from Tassie like Mr Sicko Hippo!
  11. lonerider

    R3T TORs

    Pilvi, did this three years ago, rode it for 2 after this, ran like a dreeam, some popping at throttle off but hardly at all! I,ve since sold the bike about a year ago.
  12. lonerider


    Noiw that funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. lonerider


    TMAC that pic is offensive and goes too far. We can tolerate so much befre it just gets way too smutty and to introduce an even smuttier amputee trheme is just discusting. I beleive you should speak to Miami Dave to learn how to toe the line!
  14. lonerider

    Harley Tour Pack on RIII

    The obnvious thing to do!! Trumpy are mad to dawdle on this issue. Me, I could not wait and bought the whole deal, but this config with cruise and i,d be back!!!! (With handle bar adjustments, shockers, risers or cruiser bars, that are available but should have been up front options!)...
  15. lonerider

    R3T risers

    This one addition is the one I missed the importance of, ending in sale of bike due to neck and hand neuro symptoms. If you need it buy it first! Not Last!
  16. lonerider

    problems in right handers

    Thats what I was getting at!
  17. lonerider

    problems in right handers

    I always felt it was a rocket idiosyncracy, spoke of it many times to me mates. Just before I sold it I put new tyres front and back, bingo different bike. So maybe front tyre, but I suggest you beleive your own senses , take it to dealer and insist on their full attention. Above all its safety...
  18. lonerider

    tires loosing grip

    Used to cop that riding behind jd and he was a smart arse! :wink:
  19. lonerider

    tires loosing grip

    I completely ruined my first tyre and kept riding not beleiving a tyre on such a heavy powerful bike could hold despite having NO AIR Just as well the Good Lord was lookin after me cos I wasn't. So don't be embarrassed! No real feedback at all except at corners at 100k's /hour I can't...
  20. lonerider

    Kaoko Throttle Control for R3

    Now in big countries Mr Leicester, we have what are called straight bits. Some can be so long you get bored and start drinking, playing round with the female pillionms, racing off HD riders, or just plain go to sleep. To overcome the death like rigarmortis bought on by hours of straight road...