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  1. Bellyman PJ

    Rocket starting issues

    My 06 R3 Standard would drag hard and drain the battery after only a few starting attempts. I cleaned the flywheel sensor and the motor rolls over without any hesitation. Good luck
  2. Bellyman PJ

    Cursed computer fails.

    Many thanks to alpental for the loan of his lonelec cable and his time today. We weren't able to cure all of the codes but I now have specific things to check.
  3. Bellyman PJ

    Cursed computer fails.

    Thanks for all the input. After buying the Android ECU Tune program and having a problem it appears that the Cable I got online is a older generation and junk. I will be ordering the quality cable and I think my troubles will fade away.
  4. Bellyman PJ

    Cursed computer fails.

    Monday works for me. I can give you my address and you can tell me when you will come by. Text or call 619-490-6906.
  5. Bellyman PJ

    Cursed computer fails.

    I am looking for any Rocket captains in the San Diego area that has TuneECU loaded on a laptop and can help me load the program correctly on my laptop or is willing to come to my garbage and read my trouble code. I live in LA Mesa. Thanks
  6. Bellyman PJ

    New rocket 3 owner in san diego

    Welcome from LA Mesa. Great looking R3. Ride proud and Fxxk the Harley crowd.
  7. Bellyman PJ

    New member in El Paso, Texas

    Welcome from San Diego. TuneECU in the forum has what you need. I am having trouble getting it to work properly because I DKS about computers. I'm sure you will know it right off.
  8. Bellyman PJ

    Cooling Issue

    Thanks for the tip.
  9. Bellyman PJ

    A more detailed introduction

    I have uploaded my avatar, included my status , written a bioOP , and have used this site to educate myself on all things rocket. For those that informed me of my short comings on the use of this sight. May this information fill your anal void for information. I'm satisfied with my page and I...
  10. Bellyman PJ

    2006 R3 Standard, 2013 FLS 103 Softail Slim, 2011 Ultra Road Glide, 1979 Electra Glide Classic

    2006 R3 Standard, 2013 FLS 103 Softail Slim, 2011 Ultra Road Glide, 1979 Electra Glide Classic
  11. Bellyman PJ

    2013 FLS 103 Softail Slim, 2011 Ultra Road Glide, 1979 Electra Glide Classic

    2013 FLS 103 Softail Slim, 2011 Ultra Road Glide, 1979 Electra Glide Classic
  12. Bellyman PJ

    2006 R3 standard

    2006 R3 standard
  13. Bellyman PJ

    Cooling Issue

    good post to encourage me to go the whole nine with freshening up my recent purchase. As a recent convert to Rocket ownership I haven't learned the secret handshake yet so the only source I have for replacement parts is the dealership. Any of you experienced Captains out there want to give a...
  14. Bellyman PJ

    headlight shattered

    Do your research before switching to Day Maker type of lamps. Police hear say they draw drunks like moth's to a flame
  15. Bellyman PJ

    WTF ???

    I woke to the sound and sight of rain and did the happy dance. We need the water. I feel your pain Fred
  16. Bellyman PJ

    Losing my virginity

    Thanks Doug, I see the ECM program is available for droid so I am going to try and upload it to my phone and see if it works there.
  17. Bellyman PJ

    Losing my virginity

    It's the COM Port Drive that I can't seem to load.
  18. Bellyman PJ

    Losing my virginity

    Thanks Doug I will try that Tues
  19. Bellyman PJ

    Losing my virginity

    And good whiskey
  20. Bellyman PJ

    Losing my virginity

    The computer gremlins are torturing me Any tips on loading the D2XX DRIVERS. My skills in the cyber world leave much to be desired. Using Windows 8