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  1. jake shaw

    CarPlay & GPS screens - I did a thing, show me yours.

    I use the same setup. I bought a cheap waterproof cover to protect from the elements.
  2. jake shaw

    Meet "Tank", a 2007 Road Glide with Hannigan sidecar

    Very nice. An interesting ride.
  3. jake shaw

    Drive output bearing failure

    I had it happen on my 05. Quite a job to replace it.
  4. jake shaw

    High Idle on 05 Classic

    Welcome to the forum. The primary TPS (throttle position sensor) may be causing your idle problem. also lube all the linkages in and around the throttle bodies. Good luck.
  5. jake shaw

    Want to replace horn

    Yes, but you may have to construct a wire with 1/4" spade connectors for the extra horn. Mine came as a High/Low pair with a relay.
  6. jake shaw

    Longest Rocket rider, who is it?

    You could be the winner. Got my first in 05, replaced with a 14 Touring in 14 which I am still riding. So 19 years for me.
  7. jake shaw

    Want to replace horn

    I use Fiamm Free-Way blasters.
  8. jake shaw

    Hello from Finland

    Welcome from Canada.
  9. jake shaw

    2005 Rocket III - intermittent fault

    The primary TPS is usually the culprit, but if you changed it and set the resistance it should be ruled out. Spray the throttle linkages with lubricant, check the vacuum hoses and check the low tension connectors on the coils. Good luck.
  10. jake shaw

    Paint Code 2014 R3R Phantom Black

    Yep, the same.
  11. jake shaw

    How Long Have You Owned Your Rocket

    I bought my first Rocket in 06 (05 model). Put 128000Km on it. Bought 2014 Touring in 2014, have about 60000Km on it.
  12. jake shaw

    Erratic Idle and Stall Issue Help?

    The primary TPS is usually the culprit. But as you have already replaced it, that's strange. Was it set to the correct setting when installed? Also spraying the throttle linkage with lubricant/cleaner may help.
  13. jake shaw

    R3 Touring 2013 Fuel Filter Location

    You are right. That is where it is. Very awkward spot. Perhaps to keep it from the heat of the motor.
  14. jake shaw

    Starter upgrade issues

    Wrap a cable tie around the clutch lever.
  15. jake shaw

    Another introduction post - WA/USA

    Welcome from Canada. Enjoy!
  16. jake shaw

    Introducing myself

    Welcome from Canada. Unfortunately the parts situation is not great. It pays to order a few items to keep ahead, such as spare cables, hoses and gaskets. Enjoy your ride.
  17. jake shaw

    Bummed out days before inspection for registration of my R3T

    When I refill with gas, my 2014 RT takes a mile or two of riding to register on the fuel gauge. It seems to be a common trait of these animals. So in other words, it probably is fine and will start to work when ridden.
  18. jake shaw

    Idol speed adjustment

    Sounds like you have done the normal cures. There is actually an idle screw under the Bearclaw. i think it is coloured (maybe yellow). Normally adjustment is made through the ECU settings. Good luck.
  19. jake shaw

    Anyone have stock touring mufflers, I am in Canada.

    I also have some. I'm in PEI
  20. jake shaw

    Rocket owners average age!

    I think that some Provinces require "Winter tires" to be fitted between certain dates. Anyway that is what I was told. Where I live (PEI). we don't have that law.