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  1. DQDude

    New clutch slipping at higher RPMs and hard throttle

    I replaced my clutch in the last 60 days and she is slipping more. I noticed that the Barnett steels aren't as thick as the ones I removed. I didn't think much of it at the time. Now frustrated with this i called Barnett about this. Tech guy said that the clutch pack does need to be measured...
  2. DQDude

    Changed tune on '06 Classic, and now issues/questions

    20050 was the map, but had modifications for TORS, no cat and decel adjustments
  3. DQDude

    Changed tune on '06 Classic, and now issues/questions

    The idle issue is present even after she is up to temp. I'll still take a look see. Thanks!
  4. DQDude

    Changed tune on '06 Classic, and now issues/questions

    No, I haven't reinstalled the original back yet. It is saved, as for the value, is it listed in the MAP file? On the tach it was right about 900 RPM. This tune on the tach is closer to 800 and not very smooth.
  5. DQDude

    Changed tune on '06 Classic, and now issues/questions

    Well doing my best to sort out an issue which I drilled down to a bad primary TPS. Being I was due for some routine maintenance, I replaced the plugs. They looked like the motor has been running lean. Being that when I got the bike, it had the cat box eliminated and after market pipes which now...
  6. DQDude

    How do i adjust the fuel light on an 05?

    Can this rod "adjustment" be done with the tank in place through the filler opening? Seems like a pain but so does emptying the tank, removal and pulling assembly out. Hell I screwed it up putting it all back together after changing my fuel filter a few weeks ago.
  7. DQDude

    Transmission stuck in first gear

    Deja vu! Don't know what's worse, floppy, or hard going no where.
  8. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    I prefer Rocket Surgeon lol
  9. DQDude

    To be old and wise, gotta be young and stupid first. Well I'm getting the young part out of the...

    To be old and wise, gotta be young and stupid first. Well I'm getting the young part out of the way for certain.
  10. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    Well all done and back on the road. Running great, shifting smoothly but with positive solid engagements. Went 100 miles between late yesterday and today. Weather is damp and cool. Tomorrow is supposed to be super nice, 65° for a high, then cold front moving in. I'm happy shes back on the road.
  11. DQDude

    Floppy to Foggy

    Anything would be helpful
  12. DQDude

    Floppy to Foggy

    Going back together and now me TRYING to be accurate, anybody have a good photo of how the wiring bracket and connectors are situated on the left side of the motor and infill area of the frame are supposed to be situated? I really want to get it cleanly installed before reinstalling the oil...
  13. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    It's been an adventure. Ran into a few hiccups, broken sump bolt, 2nd to the last to be torqued down. The previous tech probably had it over tightened and weakened it. Damaged a bearing installing it on the torsion damper, the die was a touch too big and it slipped off the inner race, left...
  14. DQDude

    New from Austin County, TX

    Howdy from the Texas Hill Country Rex
  15. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    Any suggestions of where is the safest spot to clamp the shaft in the vice?
  16. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    Any helpful tips on replacing the torsional damper bearings? Vice position? Not looking to crush, damage or mess anything up
  17. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    Thanks! I'm being super super careful and mindful. This ain't an afternoon job like I'm used to. Today I'm picking up my case gaskets, crankcase bolts and torsion shaft bearings. I'm wanting to get back on my Rocket! PMS sucks! (Parked motorcycle syndrome)
  18. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    Before i get all crazy, this output shaft bearing came off and i wasn't astute enough to pay attention, is the seal face thr crankcase, or supposed to face the gears?
  19. DQDude

    Floppy Shifter, Not Good

    I'll get more photos tomorrow. Got dark too early and freak Texas snow fell. I like to feel my fingers yo.