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  1. Triple13

    Tires of choice for roadster

    Just dropped $$$359$$$ on the Metzeler 888 (Dealer discount) for my rear tire I was about to go with the Avon Cobra but decided that since I already loved the handling of my current metzeler I thought, why chance possibly ruining the next 10k or so miles by doing something different just to...
  2. Triple13

    Greasing the driveshaft splines

    Any thoughts on this moly-lithium grease from Wal-mart?!
  3. Triple13

    What is this for??? (Beneath the water pump)

    Thank you for the great info
  4. Triple13

    What is this for??? (Beneath the water pump)

    Can anyone tell me what this tube is for and what might have leaked from it??? The other day I noticed some dried up substance that seems to have come from this fitting. Also, there appears to be some kind of sealant/glue substance around the fitting that may have melted??? Has anyone...
  5. Triple13

    Time for a Texas Roll Call

    San Antonio here! Just bought my 2013 2 weeks back