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  • Users: Tbone
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  1. Tbone

    Southern ride this Spring?

    The stars are aligning it looks like i might be able to make this one! Be good to meet some of you folks.
  2. Tbone

    Southern ride this Spring?

  3. Tbone

    Southern ride this Spring?

    Following as well
  4. Tbone

    For Sale 2012 roadster to part out

    How much for wheels and tire?
  5. Tbone

    RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

    All good here Kevin. Thanks brother!
  6. Tbone

    ECTA Arkansas mile spring 24

    Love it!
  7. Tbone

    Another exhaust option from Dominator

    I guess it doesn't fit the R?
  8. Tbone

    ECTA Arkansas mile spring 24

    Awesome job Kevin. I have enjoyed this thread!! Thanks for sharing!
  9. Tbone

    Hello all

    Welcome aboard from Winston-Salem, NC USA.
  10. Tbone

    The real Batman

    He looks familiar...are you a descendant?
  11. Tbone

    2nd gear

    2014 Roadster. Last year before Daytona my roadster started popping out of 2nd gear at high rpm. I trailered to Daytona and went to the races for 3 days and never had an issue. I rode all year only occasionally popping out of 2nd (only under high rpm). I just got back from Daytona a year later...
  12. Tbone

    A Storm is coming!&&p=279c171c4eabf187JmltdHM9MTcwNjkxODQwMCZpZ3VpZD0xNzdhODNhMS00MmUyLTYwYjEtMzVkZC05MDQzNDNlNTYxMDAmaW5zaWQ9NTQ4Ng&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=177a83a1-42e2-60b1-35dd-904343e56100&psq=rocket+3+storm&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuLmNvbS9lbi11cy9hdXRvcy9uZXdzL2Etc3Rvcm0taXMtY29taW5...
  13. Tbone

    A Labor of Love; aka building a Rocket III Speedster

    I just scooped up a set of those CF headlight bowls as well. I was surprised to see them on there. The post said 2 in stock (now last one) if anyone else is interested. Seller is motoflipper.
  14. Tbone

    The aftermath

    Sad ending for sure and I am glad Justdad is gonna be okay. Hope the engine checks out. If so, I will be patiently waiting for the next chapter...Great effort for all involved!
  15. Tbone

    For Sale Save me from myself

    Hey Cooter. If you really want to sell I may know someone that might be interested. If you could send me some prices I will pass it on.
  16. Tbone

    Rocket Glide

    I’ve got something similar
  17. Tbone

    Rocket III Carpenter Racing side badges available

    I hit you up already in messenger. I'm in for a set or 2.
  18. Tbone

    Want to Buy Dual Headlight Assembly

    Looking for a complete assembly for dual headlight conversion from single headlight
  19. Tbone

    Who is the Oldest Rider

    A friend of mine who lives a few miles down the road from me has 2 Rockets and is 82. He is not a member here but has ridden Triumphs all his life. He still rides often and enjoys embarrassing young people on their bikes.