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  1. bgentry

    16ºF and No Can Start, Gotta Ride to Work, Battery Recommendations?

    I had an '09 in sunny CA, and would ride all year. Stored outside, in the winter I'd put a space heater on the headers for ~5 min to warm the block, it would start just fine after that. I am in the Bay Area and it'd get down in high 20's at the coldest.
  2. bgentry

    How many miles on your Rocket ?

    2009 Standard, 42K miles, bone stock, no problems
  3. bgentry

    What do you do when you can't ride

    I ride year round, it's pushing 70 today, I might have to zip up my jacket on my way home from work. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, we haven't had a drop of rai since early December. In fact, our Governor just declared a drought. I feel bad for you northern guys.
  4. bgentry

    Oil leak from oil tank??

    Last year my 09 developed a leak like this but further back on the block to the rear of the oil tank. I thought it was my head gasket. Turned out it was simply oil coming out of a weep hole for the plugs on top. The plug holes have weep holes to drain water out of there, my valve cover wasn't...
  5. bgentry

    My Report

    Whole heartedly agree with you on the satisfaction of this bike. I have an 09 Standard 30K+ miles and have been very happy. In fact I just sold my car and bought some cold weather gear and a sport screen cause I was NEVER using the cage!:D
  6. bgentry

    oil leak!

    Wildchild, I had a similar "leak" around the same area. At first I thought it was the head gasket. In your second picture, there is a small machined hole in the top end, above the head gasket. That is a weap hole to drain water from the indents, or reservoirs, where the spark plugs sit in on the...
  7. bgentry

    First Road Trip

    Oregon/CA coast is a good ride, Paul Bunyon and the Avenue of Giants are a fun detour too.
  8. bgentry

    Cold Start (non start)

    I too have trouble with cold starts, I ride year round, and my bike is in a carport under a cover. My cold morning routine is to simply put a space heater next to the headers for about 20min. - warms everything up and she starts like it was a summer day! I definitely think a stronger 1.4w...
  9. bgentry

    Your other Triumphs.

    This is the only other Triumph I've had that didn't leak
  10. bgentry

    oil leak puzzler

    Thanks slick rick, but I replaced my cam cover gasket over the summer. Oil doesn't seem to be seeping from that high up the engine.
  11. bgentry

    oil leak puzzler

    Captains, please help me with this puzzler if you can: I developed a small leak/seapage on the left side of my engine, rear of oil tank, almost to the rear of my enigine, right above head gasket (NOT LEAKING FROM HEAD GASKET THANKFULLY). There is a small hole machined into the top end above...
  12. bgentry

    foot wear

    Dr. Martens!!!!!!
  13. bgentry

    Gear Problem

    Hanso - that's what I did - told my dealer to order 2! (they're only $3 each) that's the trick I think to avoid down time waiting for parts - slowly accumulate extras!
  14. bgentry

    Gear Problem

    Could be your detent spring. Mine broke a couple months ago with similar symptoms. When I would downshift I would get false neutrals and it would jump out of gear too. I have an '09 Standard. Look for the thread "R3T Transmission trouble" too.
  15. bgentry

    R3T on the Loneliest Highway in America

    Thanks for sharing Dandiego. I have been thinking of doing a SW desert ride in the spring (bay area-yosemite-death valley-grand canyon, something like that) and your posts have given me good info, ideas and encouragement. Glad to hear you had a safe and trouble free ride.
  16. bgentry

    Top Case vs Saddlebags

    $50 solution I made my own, great commuter. Holds my laptop or a 12 pack just fine! And, funny thing, alot of cars get out of my way!
  17. bgentry

    Warped Front Rotors?

  18. bgentry

    R3T Transmission Trouble

    Thanks Warp! This site is the best!
  19. bgentry

    R3T Transmission Trouble

    My detent spring is broken too Reinie a couple quick questions to you and all: I have an '09 standard in the shop now getting the detent spring replaced since it broke too - same symptoms as you, false neutrals and jumping out of gear. Anyway, when yours broke, did they find the broken piece...
  20. bgentry


    Jim - with this heat we've been having, make sure your beer bottles a full!