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  1. Lonzol

    RAA Fall Fling Maggie Valley

    Mindy and I are planning on being there. See you soon.
  2. Lonzol


    You weren't lifting, you were jacking off the ratchet strap! I will admit now though that I was pushing down just to make it harder!:whitstling::whitstling:
  3. Lonzol


    Let me see..... 6 middle aged old farts popping a hemroid......or I could just back up 10 more feet and put it right in the truck:banghead::banghead::banghead:. I believe that out of you Kevin but I certainly choose to believe that if Lupe had known it was going to end up in THAT truck, he...
  4. Lonzol


    Mindy and I are home without incident. Had a great time going to have to do it more in the future!
  5. Lonzol

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    If we get to come I'll be on this: Only thing I've got going right now. Mindy will be there on her spyder.
  6. Lonzol

    RAA Oklahoma-Arkansas?

    WE have a grandbaby due in mid June. We will try. Kf bring Blackie, would love to see what you have done with her! Skip, We are in Dardanelle now, about 2 1/2 hrs for us, would love to see some of the old crew, and new crew! Haven't ridden in a couple of years, won't be on a R3, but it will...
  7. Lonzol

    Sad News about Nolton

    Rest easy my Brother. Ride on.....
  8. Lonzol


    Bittersweet but very glad to see her going to one that will use and continue on with her! 👍
  9. Lonzol

    For Sale TIME TO LET HER GO! "BLACKIE" 2006 R3

    Thanks so much for the kind words!:thumbsup:
  10. Lonzol

    For Sale TIME TO LET HER GO! "BLACKIE" 2006 R3

    Jardine header, me from there out.
  11. Lonzol

    For Sale TIME TO LET HER GO! "BLACKIE" 2006 R3

    Well the time has come to let someone else take over and breathe some new life into "Blackie". I have loved this bike and rode her to many locations with some of you and many of you have not seen her since it has been so long since I have been active. I have modified this bike so much that I...
  12. Lonzol

    Prayers for Nolton

    Hey Fred, yea not much time for bikes these days.........But soon I hope! Hey Dave, glad to hear from you ........Building a restaurant, about to open mid May. Been working on it for about 17 months, the end is in sight!
  13. Lonzol

    Prayers for Nolton

    Glad to hear you are on the mend Nolton. Speedy recovery.
  14. Lonzol

    Chrome to Black Engine Guards

    Just yankin your chain as you know Dave. I'm doing well, not getting to ride as much as I'd like in my retirement though.......seriously considering a major redo to Blackie..... tried to sell her to Lupe, but you know how all these illegals are........ we shall see.
  15. Lonzol

    Chrome to Black Engine Guards

    Well well, changing from chrome to black..................I had given up on your hard head, but even you finally are coming around, guess it just takes some longer than others!:D
  16. Lonzol

    The Three Sisters, aka The Twisted Sisters

    Some Old Friends stopped by on the way to Texas, sure wish I could go with them! Have fun all and stay safe!
  17. Lonzol


    Weld a full width folding tailgate on the trailer and forget a seperate ramp.
  18. Lonzol

    Hello From Arkansas, USA:

    Welcome from Van Buren, Arkansas, I also have a ST 1300.
  19. Lonzol

    Chrome for Black

    I knew you'd finally come around and realize the black bikes are better Dave! After a while, even a Scotsman comes to his senses!;)
  20. Lonzol

    Post a pic of your R3

    Gotta get Blackie in the game!