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  1. phar2slo

    Ignition gone.

    Well after waiting 5 weeks finally got the new ignition fitted along with a Garmin GPS hard wired to the ignition no more getting lost. Now just need to find time to ride the beast.
  2. phar2slo

    Ignition gone.

    Hello all captains. I'm in need of a replacement ingition for an 06 Classic. Can get a new old stock but has to come from the UK to New Zealand. Is there any after market available? Cheers
  3. phar2slo

    Missing Captains - Where Are They Now?

    Wow it's been a while since I have been on the site. That's a great read
  4. phar2slo

    Want to Buy Wanted front mudguard 06

    Hi Mittzy I don't think I will be throwing it away. I will have a Go at getting the dent out of the guard or could end up as a storage bin for rocket parts. If you are after a beat up guard I can get you one for $60 plus shipping. In way worst shape than mine.
  5. phar2slo

    Want to Buy Wanted front mudguard 06

    Thanks to the guys on this site I have managed to get a replacement. O
  6. phar2slo

    Want to Buy Wanted front mudguard 06

    Front guard got a little dent in on the weekend while at a bike show. Bikes next to me got hit by a tram and fell onto my bike. Now I'm looking for a replacement. @Ishrub has sent me a few places to try but they are not keen on shipping to New Zealand.
  7. phar2slo

    Bad weather and rain

    Ridden in rain storms for hours at a time an no problems on an 06 Classic. Even along a flood road for about é miles.
  8. phar2slo

    Fitting Panniers to a GT

    Well done Tal. I would have lost my mind and put a padlock on the panniers and be done with it.
  9. phar2slo

    Missing Captains - Where Are They Now?

    I was thinking about your attempt at a land speed record the other day when reading what you had been up to and how it was progressing. I for one do miss your posts on this site and wealth ok knowledge when it came to tinkering with the rocket. Good luck with your attempt. Cheers from New...
  10. phar2slo

    Missing Captains - Where Are They Now?

    I went and download Facebook and spend too much time looking at that ****. I need to spend more time here as it's a great bunch of people.
  11. phar2slo

    New To The Forum And Want More Speed

    That looks very painful.
  12. phar2slo

    First nail in the 240 rear tire

    Correct bicycle tube the last to tubes and new tires have lasted about 5 months because I have not ridden it. Lol
  13. phar2slo

    First nail in the 240 rear tire

    I agree totally. I have done 5 tubes on my ebike in 94 kms all the valve stems.
  14. phar2slo

    Man cave wall art

    Need to get one of these
  15. phar2slo

    People are screwed Up

    Omg this is an old thread.
  16. phar2slo

    Want to Buy Looking for this part ROCKET III - Backrest, Adjustable Rider Kit (Triumph part number A9708158)

    So how many beers will it take to get it out of your MIT's😅😅
  17. phar2slo

    Scratched Gas Tank - Recommendation?

    I rode my 06 classic about 650 miles after getting it back from the shop. Bars weren't in the right place so before I rode it home I adjusted the bars and went to try it out and ripped the paint to the metal. That was 11 months ago. Just put some black electrical tape over it. But stands out...
  18. phar2slo

    Anyone have this part to sell - ROCKET III - Backrest, Adjustable Rider Kit?
  19. phar2slo

    Want to Buy Looking for this part ROCKET III - Backrest, Adjustable Rider Kit (Triumph part number A9708158) Is this what you are looking for.