been better muff. ride sounds good but I dont think i will be on the bike by then . Just had a hernia op. they said i would have 3 or 4 holes in my gut ended up with 10 . So i'm taking easy for awhile
hey muff its grim from gatton been on this site for a while good blokes and great information on all things rocket still remember the good time i had at moura anzac day couple of years back
i had the same problem screen too short went to a bloke that made perspex signs made a template the size i wanted clamped it on to the triumph windscreen mounting they are strong enuff to keep the shape done 10000 ks and had no problems and a quarter the price
has anyone raised their front shocks thru the clamps i did it on my gsx1400 and it dropped into the corners so much easier and made it handle better and i am curious if any rocket riders have done it
hey been checking out the forum for a while seen alot of good discussions and advice on here however i am technologically challenged so i have trouble working out how to post threads and replying also i do not get on the computer very often