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  1. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    Update - after all that, it WAS the clutch switch. I'd removed it and its rubber cover a few days ago and cleaned the blackened contacts but apparently did not reassemble it correctly!!! :banghead:
  2. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    Not sure now, l wasn't paying attention to it. But that is a good question.
  3. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    Thanks for the replies folks. BLue/YeLlow wire (not BK) on 5 prong starter relay. That's the wire that has no power but all the fuses are intact, so I'll investigate that more thoroughly. Eng management relay shown in this diagram is 4 prong and that's what the bike has...
  4. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    Turbo, I hope to do that tomorrow. Question: a. would a faulty side-stand switch alone cause a no start condition or b. prevent power to #30 on the starter relay - assuming all else is good? To my mind #30 should always have power with key ON - but I note Starmanut's comment.
  5. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    Turbo -why is there no power into the starter relay? Doesn't it come direct from a fuse, which are all good as I previously mentioned? I'll try the fused jumper wire from battery to that BL/YL wire into the starter repay.
  6. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    Will do when l get back to it - but pulling in the clutch lever would override it surely.?
  7. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    I did as Turbo suggested in some of the earlier posts but no luck. The owner will get the bike to an auto elec. I'll update when more is known.
  8. Freddy

    Newbie from Western Australia

    425km north of Perth on the coast is Geraldton - beautiful one day, perfect the next. Trying to help a mate with a dead 2011 R3. I have a few bikes - a 1995 Thunderbird 900 among them, which has done just 54,000km and goes very, very well.
  9. Freddy

    Another 'won't start' post but I have tried...

    Hi folks - not so old topic from a newbie here and not a R3 owner (but a 1995 T/bird 900 owner) trying to kelp a mate here on the west coast of Australia with an unmodified 2011 R3 Touring that won't start. The bike was running perfectly a week ago. He went to start in a few days ago and no...