Update - after all that, it WAS the clutch switch. I'd removed it and its rubber cover a few days ago and cleaned the blackened contacts but apparently did not reassemble it correctly!!!
Thanks for the replies folks.
BLue/YeLlow wire (not BK) on 5 prong starter relay. That's the wire that has no power but all the fuses are intact, so I'll investigate that more thoroughly.
Eng management relay shown in this diagram is 4 prong and that's what the bike has...
Turbo, I hope to do that tomorrow.
Question: a. would a faulty side-stand switch alone cause a no start condition or b. prevent power to #30 on the starter relay - assuming all else is good?
To my mind #30 should always have power with key ON - but I note Starmanut's comment.
Turbo -why is there no power into the starter relay? Doesn't it come direct from a fuse, which are all good as I previously mentioned?
I'll try the fused jumper wire from battery to that BL/YL wire into the starter repay.
425km north of Perth on the coast is Geraldton - beautiful one day, perfect the next. Trying to help a mate with a dead 2011 R3.
I have a few bikes - a 1995 Thunderbird 900 among them, which has done just 54,000km and goes very, very well.
Hi folks - not so old topic from a newbie here and not a R3 owner (but a 1995 T/bird 900 owner) trying to kelp a mate here on the west coast of Australia with an unmodified 2011 R3 Touring that won't start. The bike was running perfectly a week ago. He went to start in a few days ago and no...