Need Stock Exhaust Pictures Please

Frosty Rider

Nov 24, 2016
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2010 R III T, 2020 R 3GT, 2001 HD CVO WideGlide
I need pictures of a few stock exhausts, i got my bike back from the dealer finally, and it has to go back to them as the right pannier bracket is still bent, one of the side cover grommets is split in half, and it looks like someone tried to clean the side cover while it was dirty and it has a ton of swirl marks in it now, and the lcd screen is cracked at the bottom. They replaced most of the bolt on pieces of the exhaust including the silver tip cover, and this doesn't look right to me, but i could be wrong, can someone (s) take a couple of pictures of theirs so i can compare with mine to see if nuts or not. the rest of the pictures are just the other damage they missed, I need exhaust pictures as soon as possible though, i have to send this back in to them again and would like to send some comparisons. Thanks in advance



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As far as the exhaust the top exhaust tip is a little wider and longer than the bottom exhaust. The top exhaust 'pretend' baffles stick out a tad further than the bottom. The top exhaust tip is around 1/4" wider and 1/2" longer I believe. So the top Baffle tip does protrude further outwards and the bottom seems set inwards more on my GT. It's hard to tell with the pics you took but on mine it looks similar I believe.
I need pictures of a few stock exhausts, i got my bike back from the dealer finally, and it has to go back to them as the right pannier bracket is still bent, one of the side cover grommets is split in half, and it looks like someone tried to clean the side cover while it was dirty and it has a ton of swirl marks in it now, and the lcd screen is cracked at the bottom. They replaced most of the bolt on pieces of the exhaust including the silver tip cover, and this doesn't look right to me, but i could be wrong, can someone (s) take a couple of pictures of theirs so i can compare with mine to see if nuts or not. the rest of the pictures are just the other damage they missed, I need exhaust pictures as soon as possible though, i have to send this back in to them again and would like to send some comparisons. Thanks in advance

Here's mine. Seems to stick out a little, but not as far as yours. I do not think there is an adjustment to the silver tip cover.


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Looks like they rubbed it down with steel wool or a rag with sand in it. These dealer techs don't seem to care. Mine has gotten scratches at every service call. I'll point them out and they buff and apologize but never claim responsibility to make it right. Tank scratches, side covers scratched, fenders, handlebars, trim, all have been scratched up but so far they have not broken the speedo YET. The clear coat used seems awfully soft and does easily scratch but scratches through the black is carelessness.
Here's mine. Seems to stick out a little, but not as far as yours. I do not think there is an adjustment to the silver tip cover.
Thanks, i know they stick out a bit, but ****, mine are way out, and you have a gap in the 3rd picture between the end of the tips and the black piece, mine is jammed right up against it,
went back to the dealership to fix all the deficiencies today, who knows how long this is going to take. and if it is going to be done correctly this time. for anyone in Ontario needing accident damaged fixed, I suggest you look around for another dealership source to do the work. the service people, parts, apparel people i have never had an issue with here, but the Rocket tech they have on staff seems to be, lets say, not very good at his job