Over a year. I was hurt bad by my loctite mistake on crank gear bolt. The WV trip thanks Gary Norm and everyone else that was there, you motivated me to get the widowmaker running, so i am. I came home and threw a silver head on, cleaned it real good had everything good! I thought, i bent up the intake vales. It was a mistake setting timing, it happened and its over, that was the first head install ive ever done without help and then only 2nd, no excuses, learned and moved on. Pulled out a black head and rebuilt it, cleaned and lapped valves, new thrust washers, collet keepers and the valve cups new. I had taken to machine shop when I disassembled that engine and had them deck it and clean it, after lapping I cleaned again and reinstalled valve train. Its going in soon and i hope to nail it this time. I am going back to stock everything in play throttle body and have all sensors going. The Ozrider exhaust ofcourse stays in play. Hopefully real soon i will have a video of a back to life widowmaker. Nevilles head will be repaired and im gonna build a motor around it! This is a passion, im a rookie, im learning and making mistakes but dont just throw me to the curb as a dummy waisting money, its my only hobby I really have and not rich so im learning and doing what i want to learn how to do. I will have a big powerful lush racing rocket oneday lord willing but the widowmaker for now is going back to the beginning, basically thanks for all your support to all that help me, I appreciate you and will never give up on my dream of a racing rocket!
Picts, couple picts of the man from the isle with all the great videos, the owner of the largest rocket in the world! Dont even have to say a name, everybody knows the man! Hes followed by Triumph not the other way around!
Absolute truth Very glad to see you're reengaging with Widowmaker Kevin. Good luck with the build; no better way to learn than doing, and doing it wrong teaches the strongest lessons!
Reframing from a failure into a learning experience really helps me when these things happen. Then the only frustrating things are when parts fail that shouldn't which couldn't have been predicted, like when I snapped my timing chain.
Depending on timeline, I may know a recently retired guy who will travel to help with final assembly when everything's in hand....