Recent content by Boudreaux

  1. Boudreaux

    Ramair /induction noise ?

    5 times!!! LMAO!!!
  2. Boudreaux

    Good Luck...

    I do like the way that CES pi[e looks !!!
  3. Boudreaux

    Good Luck...

    Well same filters anyway!
  4. Boudreaux

    Good Luck...

    Same as you Buddy!!! Reband and KX-4040-1 Only mine is his short version!!!
  5. Boudreaux

    Good Luck...

    Im a believer!!! Just saying!!! I still can't ride though. But Im working on this recovery thing!!!
  6. Boudreaux

    I'm here asking for Prayer!!!

    Well Im in the Hospital getting started with chemo and first radiation treatment today. Let this fight begin. I do believe God has won this battle for me already. Thanks for the Prayers and I hope you all have a Very Blessed Day!!!
  7. Boudreaux

    I'm here asking for Prayer!!!

    Some schedule changes. Friday at 5am will be at OLOL for mediport insertion. I will start Chemo Monday Memorial day. I will be in the hospital overnight for first dose of Chemo in case of side effects. The Chemo I will be doing is the same stuff I had last time. Cisplatin Day 1 and 8 and VP-16...
  8. Boudreaux

    I'm here asking for Prayer!!!

    Well today I go see the Oncologist. I should find out what my treatment plan is. I am so ready to start whatever the Dr's has laid out for me to do. Had a good ride to bike night last. Short but sweet. I hate being short winded. But Im believing if we can get these lil tumors off this nerve Im...
  9. Boudreaux

    2014 Roadster

    Seems odd they would have 2 diff base tunes!!!
  10. Boudreaux

    Hey everyone,

    Welcome from Louisiana!!! Just know in first gear you twist the throttle its in the air. Fun ****!!! Mines a 2014 R3R. At 200 miles it dynoed at 124 hp 144 tq at the wheel!!!! You gonna Love it!!!
  11. Boudreaux

    Raising the idle ???

    Thanks Brother!!!
  12. Boudreaux

    Raising the idle ???

    Could someone give me a brief How to: Raise my idle to about 1000rpm's. I have tuneecu and have set some perimeters . Im running with a dyneotuned PCV. Bikes a beast just idles to low!!! Thanks in advance!!!
  13. Boudreaux

    TuneECU and Anti Tamper on 2014 R3 Roadster

    Tamper away!!!
  14. Boudreaux

    I'm here asking for Prayer!!!

    Tell Amanda I said Thanks And I said God Bless Her!!! This is Awesome!!!
  15. Boudreaux

    I'm here asking for Prayer!!!

    Amen Brother!!! Thanks Tomcat!!!