
Triumph Rocket 3R handlebar vibration.

My new bike have a problem in front fork.
Hi, thanks for your comment.
When I bought it I found it strange that it moved so much, but it shows too much. When I lean into curves at low speed everything moves with a lot of bounce.
I know it is not the engine torque because if I go in neutral it happens the same.
Certainly the bike has big inertial movement and some gears transmit a few vibrations, but this is each time I'm passing a pothole or asphalt height.
Thanks again.
Hi mate, I have the exact same issue. Do you feel like the bike leans to the left very easy but a bit difficult when leaning to the right??? It looks like lots of people have the same issue, but some don't.
Yes the same thing happens to my bike. I try to go to left and is a little difficult to return or go to right again.
But the real problem is the shake.
I have come to the conclusion, that front tyre is too big and tends to be bounce.
I changed the rear shock because I saw that the rear shock was very hard in sports driving and needed adjustments.

That's how I figured out why the front end and handlebars bounce.
The problem is that the rear end sends the jolt forward in certain potholes and bumps.
For this, I first ruled out the bearings, wheel balancing, fork bridge calibration, fork oil and bearings.
I also tested the bike in neutral and with the engine off to check inertia.
I discovered that with the retention of this huge engine, it is normal when opening the throttle in some gears, that it has more vibration along with the characteristic movement of the three-cylinder.
So I just had to try other wheels and I put the commander.
The bike got better, and with the new shock I get less bump.
I still need to adjust the new rear shock more and I think if I could remove the extra weight from the license plate holder, it would also improve because it applies return force from the shock to the front.
Otherwise I'm happy with it, people who don't encounter these problems probably don't practice sportier driving.
This beast is much than appears.

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