I even stop and help people with 4 wheels............learnt from my Dad one day i'll be the one looking for help.
It is all karma isn't it. I'll stop for anyone even cars etc if they wave for assistance or look stuck. I'm a bit surprised at all the Harley bashing on our forum despite the attitudes shown by some riders especially SOME of the 1% OMCG crowd. I'll even stop for them but they are usually in a crowd with a support vehicle anyway

Now to start a long story.
Happened to me last week after going to pick up my R3R late in the afternoon from a suspension workshop which fitted new fork springs and front and rear tipover bars. Nearly dead battery, tried my tiny lithium jump starter for the 1st time, it worked and ran for 5 min while getting seat and gear back on etc then died. Refused to start again so workshop lent me their van and I went and bought a new US made glass fiber mat gel 330cca battery with only 12.4v 50% charge. A half dozen in the specialist battery shop were all the same - go figure, but they assured me it would start fine. AUD$220 later and it started and I went for a 50km ride on the way home to try out the new fork springs and charge the battery. About 6km from home on a country backroad (Uriarra Crossing Road for the locals) it died and rolled to a stop. With in 5 min 3-4 riders and a car had slowed but I knew I could call home if I couldn't find the cause so waved them on. Two bike riders even came back anyway for a chat. After they left I ended up pushing it a 100m or so up to a crest.
Then disaster, steep camber and broken sloping road edge conspired with seat backrest to lose balance and fall off downhill when remounting. Tipovers worked superbly but the steep slope meant it rolled over the second curve on the bars with bike now resting over 180' with tank top facing down side on the downslope with me about 10 feet further downslope. By this stage it was only 30min from nightfall and fortunately for my embarrassment nobody saw or came by.

I was amazed how easy it was to get it upright pushing with legs, backed up ass first to the bike and only the tiniest of scratches to the new tipovers. I rolled it a km or so downhill closer to home and chained it to a strong rail at the entrance to the Mt Stromlo Mountain Bike Park, removed panniers, batteries and seat and put stuff in the rellie's car when picked up.
Charged new and old battery overnight and returned in car, refitted old battery, seat and vroom rode home and bicycled back for the car. Checked battery voltage while running and steady 12.6 volts so assumed regulator output was zilch and after checking factory version was US$340+ bought a AUD$40 Chinese regulator online free freight and it arrived in less than a week. Unfortunately some idiot had used blue Loctite or similar on the inside and connector pins of the original version's plugs and 2 hours later finally managed to pry them off after cracking bonds with pump pliers and big screwdrivers. Tested alternator output with multimeter before fitting new regulator and now it is running fine. Bought another identical Chinese regulator for AUD$35 delivered to carry in the saddlebags.
Voltage Regulator Rectifier For Triumph Rocket III Kawasaki ZX10R Honda TRX650FA
If loose plugs are an issue I may just zip tie them on at least it will only take 30 secs to remove next time.
Maybe I am a 'glass half full' sort of person but I think I was fortunate and karma was going my way.