New profile posts

Just wanted to say hi! Moved to JAX area in October. Hoping to get together with other "Rocket Captains" in the area.
Hi back at ya! Where in Jax are you. Im over in the Ft Caroline/Monument Rd area.
How are you doing?
i'm good... was going to give you a shout, i'm going to be in your neighborhood early next week and wondered if you wanted to do lunch... i should be done with my business by noonish... not sure yet if i have to come up monday or tuesday yet...
people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf George Orwell
Are you going to Galveston ?
Nolton, we are in Cypress, we are going to get with Morris tomorrow, then headed back to College Station. We have a daughter in Edmond Oklahoma, so we will be headed up there before returning to Utah. Thanks for the invitation and tell Steel thanks shall be looking forward to have some drinks together in Montrose.

Safe trip friend. Too bad you will miss out on Galveston's immoral behavior. I'm just a spectator !!!
Nolton, this is me your talking to spectator my butt. I know you boys from the Bayou! I will give you a heads up and let you know I made it back to Utah OK. Should have the final shirt designs by then. Thinking of getting a quote on a patch for the round design, that way it won't just be tied to the shirts, more flexibility.
Hey Nolt, Hope things are goin well!
If you would like my tentative Colorado GPS rts and you have Garmin, send me an email...

Andy (Ogre)
Stephan, we haven't heard from you for some time. I hope you are recovering from your accident and getting on with life. Please try to drop by and let us know how you're going. Your injuries sounded very serious and you have been in my thoughts.