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2013 rocket roadster , ramair with unknown mods to exhast pipes tried couple maps but still backfires intake and exhast any help with finding a good map or ideas what's the problem might be it was doing it when I got it before the ram air
HI Ken, my 2008 RIII Touring ignition seems to have gone toes up. It tried to strand me 100 miles from home a week ago, but with some parking lot surgery and minor miracle I got it home. Right now I'm fact finding and doing my homework. I've seen your postings in the past and wondering as to the specifics about your keyless systems and if you're still assembling them.
I tried contacting you on another site as I was having trouble with messages here. Kind of surprised it worked this time.
Hoping to get some direction on Tuneecu. I purchased the app and a lonelec cable. Found out my chromebook (lenovo) does not have the usb drivers needed, so it appears to be a bust. Downloaded Tuneecu to my samsung Note. and it freezes midway thru installation right after asking permissions. Anyone out there work thru these issues. I hate computers!!! Bike definately needs a tune.
Also, at some point someone cut out the Cat and dropped the crossover pipe, making it a 3 into 1 setup. After looking for replacement exhausts, I have seen many 3 into 1 setups. Will this hurt the bike by creating too much backpressure if I leave it. Runs fine.
Thank you for always looking out for us! Have a great day.
Hey, Turbo.
1. What are the dials on the clutch and brake levers? I assume it's some sort of adjustment. Is it stock or some aftermarket thing another owner put on? (See attached photo)


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the numbers 1 thru 4 are for adjusting the clutch pull
on mine #1 pulls the cable the most and #4 pulls on cable the least so mine would grind the gears when going into the gears.
i just leave mine on #1 of coarse i have large hands and it is not a problem for me to grip the clutch.
I figured it was something like that. As usual, you da man! Thank you.
Did you sell your Progressive 444's? I'm looking to replace the stock on my 2007 Classic Tourer. 280 lb rider.
Sorry, the 444's are gone.