Your bike before your rocket.

Chronological order from 1975: Yamaha DT250, RD350. Suzuki GT380, GT750. BSA 250. Yamaha FJ1200. Honda Dominator, VTR1000. Triumph Speedie, Rocket3.

Order of fun-favouritism: BSA 250, VTR1000, Triumphs, Dominator, GT750, RD350, GT380, Yam DT250 and last FJ1200.
Yeah, it was a nice bike to move onto after the GT380. Sadly it was stolen. But I suppose the FUN was simply shared with the thieving prick. Hope it bucked him off!
They were awesome 2-strokes...why can't we have them back, in a 2008 kit??
'72 Suzuki TS-50, TS-90, TC-125; '73 Suzuki TC-125; '72 Yamaha 125MX; '73 Yamaha R5 350; '76 Kawasaki KZ-900; '82 Honda XL-500; '05 Kawasaki KLR-650; '03 HD Screamin' Eagle Road King; '06 Rocket III Classic.

My favorite was the Yamaha R5. Just wished it had 6 gears and reed valves like the RD-350, but it could still leave a trail of fast blue two-stroke smoke with the best of them. Not one single Honda CB-750 could take me stoplight to stoplight, and many tried. What a blast!
Yamaha XJ 900, Kawasaki GPZ 1100, Honda GL1500 Goldwing and now the Rocket. I said to myself I would only go up in size but I can't see myself going any bigger (when it's produced) before I get me some bionic knees.
Prior bike: Beemer

2002 K1200LTC Pacific Blue.. a sweet ride. A little big for not doing any touring. i did enjoy it though and it ran very good.

1995 HD FLHT Standard Bagger. added 96" stroker motor with Nitrous. 120 HP, 125Lbs TQ. Very fast for a Harley.. not as fast as the Rocket though.
That's why they call it a "Rocket"!!!

I'm guessing your a Happy Harvic fan. Thats ok, I like to see the comeback of RCR.. they are long overdue.. Just not a real big HH fan.. You do have a good chioce in bikes however. I had a 03 1200LTE(Impala Brown), great bike. I put 30,000 miles on it before I "T" boned a cager and totaled it out. took a beating on it from the insurance company, but it mada a great excuse to by the Rock. All's well that ends well
lets see i started out on a honda cm200 ,then got a mid 80s mixandmax Honda parts sort of bike, then moved to a 883(sold that real fast) picked up a intruder 800,truck ate that bike
well so then came the cbr 900 rr (flipped it missing a lady making a left but hit the curb) licked my wounds and got a 1996 magna750 ,rode that for 30k, then came a 03 sv650....after that HD soft tail deluxe , and a kawi z750s and then a 2007 Electra glide classic ...witch was traded in for the 2008 RIII ....oh and i got to small scooters
i did not list the dirt bikes growing up