I had a 2002 Honda VTX 1800 that had found a guy that made a dual intake for the VTX so I could have a intake on each side that worked it was a expensive set up but well worth the extra punch it gave .
I should of kept it for my second bike when my Rocket goes in the shop but I just didn't want the expence to keep two bikes lost more money then I wanted
But got my Rocket for a good deal and it came with a lot of goodies so I think that made up for my loss.
And I liked my VTX but I love my Rocket
Started with a few different dirt bikes. First street bike 82 Honda V45 Sabre then went to a 85 Honda V30 Magna put 50k on it then got a 98 1100 Shadow Aero put 55k on it. Now I have my 07 Rocket, 7k in one year, so far my favorite.
First bike, when, I was 16 in '64, was a '53 Vincent Black Shadow. Went through BSA, Matchless thumper, Nortons and then UJMs (universal Jap machines), a GSXR 750, and then a 1200 Gold Wing which I still have.
When I went looking for a New ride for my 60th b'day present, I wanted a cruiser for commute and, and you know, cruise. Test rode a variety of HD, but they did not do anything for me especially when you put the cost $$ factor in, did not consider any of the Japanese wannabes.
I wanted something that would set me on fire again. Test rode the Rocket 3 and I was sold. Recaptured the feeling I had with the Vinny. Wish I still had that machine of my youth but the Rocket does it and better.
Was it? Outstanding. All my admiration. I was 16 in 65 (or the other way around?) and the HRD Vincent's were already a legend by then. Never had a chance to ride a Shadow, let alone the much-coveted Lightning. Rode a half-a-Shadow 500cc Comet (I think that's the way it was labelled, in keeping with Vincent's vaguely threatening model nomenclature) for a short while, though.