Your bike before your rocket.

One of these days I'm gonna have a GT750. One guy I worked with had one with shaved heads, flat slide carbs, and chrome expansion chamber exhaust, and flat handlebars. That's the first bike I rode that scare the BeeJezuz out of me!

Not only bike before Rocket but very first bike

Yamaha V-Star 1100 Custom. Bought new, had for 10 months then traded in on Rocket III. Had I think over 8,000 miles on it.
Honda CBR , needed to slow it down a little , so went for my first cruiser , the rocket
My first bike was a Kawasaki 305 csr belt driven never had a problem with it drove until it just gave up. Second bike was a Suzuki 850 Gsl not many problems with it either but just was slow as hell no umph. Now have my 07 Rocket and love every day i'm on it.
'47 Knucklehead while in high school-1962, '05 Speedmaster starting my "second life"-2005, '05 Rocket III when I needed more........-2007.
Traded in my black+yellow Speedmaster in October, tired of being called "Bumble Bee", who's laughing now, Rockett III baby.