Yet another Roadster with a dead transmission

Thank you, so far my 14 R3R HAS 38K Km’s and I’ve never had an issue. My 17 R3T seems to be working okay but last season I noticed that on occasion when shifting between 1st and 2nd it seemed to land in between gears. Happened only a couple of times, I had wondered if I was shifting too light. I’ll know more this season. Thanks again
Well I just added a bunch of hp to mine so fingers crossed. I’d hate the +2 grand for the fix but being broke down on the road side is going to be embarrassing and inconvenient. The down time not having the bike to ride will be awful. Sometimes I drive mine a bit hard.

On my third far so good!
It’s good to be on this forum so when it does go down I’ll have some technical support.
2014 R3R, 44,000 miles, 4th gear dropping out under load, usually back into 3rd. Looks like it's my turn to become an uncertified Rocket technician. It sounds like either Robinson or Carpenter can rework the gearbox, including a billet 4th. 6 of one, half dozen of the other?
Sorry to hear that, if you're doing it yourself, you might save a couple bucks by sending it direct to Robinson, I think a few guys here have, @warp9.9 probably could enlighten you.
On your '16 or a previous Rocket?

I also have a 2011 R3R and curious what the last 6 of your vin are?
Perhaps identifying the bikes with tranny issues by their VIN sequence (last 6 digits) would be interesting to see if they are in a group.
I can run your VIN if you wish (need all 17 characters).
This is what mine looks like and reveals only the sequence number: