Yet another Roadster with a dead transmission

I spoke with Triump America Friday about my tranmission problem on my '14 R3R with 14 miles. The transmission locked on me at 60 mph while shifting from 4-5th.. The said they would open an investigation into it. The dealer said it looked to be a problem with the circlip groove not being deep enough and he gears pushing it onto the shaft. The have repaired 6 last year and currently have 4 in for the same repair. If you have had transmission problems please call Triumph, 678-854-2010 and let them know. Also report it on the NHTSA site. If enough people have the same issue a recall will be ordered.
72347 k's on mine 2005 classic, not the orginal owner but apart from selecting 1st when I first start up no problems here.
What's the point in bragging up your tranny ain't broke yet?
Pretty obvious that mileage has nothing to do with these failures.
The point I was trying to make..If you are having transmission problems Please let Triumph know..and report it to the NHTSA..If enough people rattle the cage maybe they will hear us.
The point I was trying to make..If you are having transmission problems Please let Triumph know..and report it to the NHTSA..If enough people rattle the cage maybe they will hear us.

I totally agree, but claims of high mileage (me included) seem to place the issue onto the owner even when other bikes do not have weak trannys.

When you sent them off to Robinson Transmission did you send just the gears or the entire input and output shafts complete?
When you sent them off to Robinson Transmission did you send just the gears or the entire input and output shafts complete?

You send the entire gear pack including the shafts. He can beef up the circlips like he did for @Rocket Scientist. I would also look at replacing the forks while you have it open. I caught my failure early and it looked like it started with a slightly warped fork. I wish @Claviger was still on here (he was like my HGTV... do things I wish I could but can only watch someone else with actual talent), I think he found out the start of his dog issues was with the fork as well. Why take the chance if you already have the thing cracked open.
What's the point in bragging up your tranny ain't broke yet?
Pretty obvious that mileage has nothing to do with these failures.
Point is pretty simple. If something on the bike goes south everybody talks about it. Some folks would likely not speak up when everything is fine. Guess am not one of those folks. At 50,000 miles the Rocket X has been the most trouble free motorcycle i have ever owned. Obvious that their is a issue with some of the transmissions but some of us have not had the issue or show any signs of having problems. My bike shifts better now than when it was new.