Yet another Roadster with a dead transmission

You are most likely correct. I will most likely keep it. It should become a classic in years to come and they seem to be holding their value.
I keep reading some members saying the price of Rockets are increasing ?????????/ well it must be some other place than North America over here they do not have a good resale value but then again they are as cheap as muck to buy in the first place.

I don't think they are increasing in value here in the Uk but they seem to keep a fairly high value. They are also bloody expensive to buy here and as you know bloody expensive to repair. The increase in value mentioned is the hope that they may become classic motorcycles in the future. Don't know how long that will be though.
This was an interesting read. I bought my 10 plate 6 months ago so I have only done 1000 miles. I think the gearbox is okay. I have to double check first before setting off and definitely have to use the clutch 4-5th but that's all. I use the clutch all the time BTW as I think it is that type of unforgiving gearbox. Its the hesitation when hitting the starter that gets to me. in the cold I have to wait momentarily before it starts.

My starter has hesitated once only and it wasn't a cold day. I agree that these are unforgiving gearboxes and the clutch must always be used to prevent problems. You don't need to wring the life out of the engine as the bike is fast enough ridden medium hard.
This is an entertaining thread. These mechanical devices have some sort of female genetics engineered into them. Look at the names we give them, "Fat Bottomed Girl" etc. etc. Has anyone had a marriage that was peaches and cream every day ? I own 3 Rockets, and have been through 3 divorces. If I added up the cost of the 3 divorces, I could probably BUY a Triumph dealership!!!!! My 2013 has over 20,000 miles, no problems, and my latest 2005 has over 58,000, sometimes finicky shifting into 4th and or 5th, but just takes a second click on the shifter to engage. I've been using it more than anything else, as I love the sound of the Jardine system that is on it. My 2005 "low rider" has only 2,600 ORIGINAL miles, still running the original Metzler front tire, so it's still like new. No problems other than ground clearance! I love my Rockets, probably more than any of the 3 "X" wives. Now at 68 years old, and having old age problems, I need to start selling off my collection of 6 motorcycles, flying machines (drones, RC planes and helicopters), gun collection, etc. etc. BUT, I'll keep my Rockets till the day I keel over, "with a smile on my face"
well back to the trany problem.
if it will go thur the gears with engine not running then u have a clutch problem.
if not then u need to go in and find the problem maybe forks?
Your a man after my own heart Cooter!
I keep reading some members saying the price of Rockets are increasing ?????????/ well it must be some other place than North America over here they do not have a good resale value but then again they are as cheap as muck to buy in the first place.
A recent feature on the R3 in Ride magazine stated glasses guide for a 2010 roadster in good condition and average mileage to be £9300 and up !
Ok , trade guides are usually at the very top of the hill regarding prices , but knock a conservative £1500 off that price and I would still make a good profit if I was to sell mine ! The Rocket was never a great seller here in Blighty being designed mainly for the Merican market , but it is now attracting the attention of younger riders . Probably after having been smoked by one whilst riding their sportsbike , and learning of the hidden potential of the r3s huge engine . On top of that , they are no longer produced and the ones out there are declining in numbers as people do tend to crash them . How many guys out there wish they still had the RG 250 gamma they never really looked after ?or the KH kawasaki , Suzuki GT kettle I could go on but all were design icons and all fetch big big money 25 to 30 years later and they built far more of some of those models than they have Rockets .