Yet another Roadster with a dead transmission

With all these problems being reported by Rocket owners it is making me feel discontented with mine. I run a 2014 Roadster with 8000 miles on it and have had no trouble yet. It seems it's not if but when a major expensive fault appears. It seems the bike is not a strong build. Although I love the bike it' s looking like the safest way to go is to sell up and buy a better designed machine.
My 2003 Road King is bullet proof and the only problem with that was the cam tensioner which is done now. Some of these rockets don' t get out of waranty without major rebuilds.
(is it just me or am I just on a downer)
As it's been mentioned here many times before , there are many Rockets out there and major problems have been had by a relatively small percentage . We just get to hear about the bad ones , as this is a Rocket Forum ! A design classic that broke the mould and is no longer produced . The fewer that are around , the more desirable they are becoming . Imho anyone who owns a Rocket is riding a future investment , especially the way their value is currently increasing . I am adamant that one day , all those owners who sold their bikes because of anticipation of a breakdown , are going to be saying , heck I wish I still had it ?
We are lucky enough to own an absolute future super classic . Anything mechanical can and often does go wrong , just keep the breakdown insurance up to date and start a hedge fund to deal with the worse , should it happen ? Glean the excellent information from the knowledgeable members here and know , if it breaks it can be fixed . However that may hit you financially , one day in the not too distant future , the price of a tidy , well maintained R3 will certainly compensate for monies spent . Rockets are not just a motorcycle , they are a way of life and I for one have no doubt , no matter how much trouble mine may or may not give me , it is absolutely , certainly , definitely staying mine !

Point taken. I am just starting to worry. I do think it will be a future classic. It' s just a scary thought. £2000 gearbox repairs. Just thinking out loud really.
Point taken. I am just starting to worry. I do think it will be a future classic. It' s just a scary thought. £2000 gearbox repairs. Just thinking out loud really.
I have to admit , my first year of ownership and the horror stories , I used to have nightmares and each ride was tainted with paranoia , having no means to fix it if it **** itself . But as they say , knowledge is power ! Great members here have had , and dealt with the worst of problems and have been kind enough to share their journeys here with the rest of us . Information i for one have gleaned and learned parrot fashion , studying photos and posts until eventually ? Im not gonna sweat it ! If it breaks , i will fix it . A confidence that this here site can give you . And if I have problems trying to fix it , then knowing there are people just a button click away with the knowledge and patience to help solve those problems , is very comforting . Yes 2 grand certainly isn't pocket money but if it were say a Vincent Black shadow sat dead in your shed requiring a 2 grand part , you would smile at it and say ce la vie !

A good point
2014 and only 8,000 miles?

Don’t worry, if you’ve no symptoms by now you probably won’t. The Road King is not even in the same ballpark for strength of design, 50 year old tech vs 15 year old tech. After the initial couple of hiccups solved over the years by Triumph the only issues are arising from bad assembly.